Expect Trump To Be Ahead, Then “Blue Shift” in Dead of Night; WI Dem Chair Says The Quiet Part Outloud
In what can only be described as either tone deaf rhetoric or intentionally projecting the plan in advance, the Wisconsin Democratic Party Chair has predicted the worst nightmare of Americans hoping for a “free and fair election”.
According to Ben Wikler, we should simply EXPECT to see a “red mirage” that appears to show President Trump winning, but don’t be surprised when that victory is snatched away in the dead of night during an inevitable “blue shift”. I wouldn’t have believed he actually said it if I hadn’t heard it myself — and he said it more than once!
WATCH: MSNBC prepping for a “red mirage” where Trump will be ahead in swing states before a “blue shift” where Kamala ballots will be “introduced” in the “middle of the night” like in 2020. pic.twitter.com/30uNobBK4S
— Natalie Winters (@nataliegwinters) November 5, 2024
That clip was shared by Natalie Winters on X:
WATCH: MSNBC prepping for a “red mirage” where Trump will be ahead in swing states before a “blue shift” where Kamala ballots will be “introduced” in the “middle of the night” like in 2020. pic.twitter.com/30uNobBK4S
— Natalie Winters (@nataliegwinters) November 5, 2024
As Winters pointed out, it certainly seems as if we are being prepped to accept a sudden dead-of-night shift from an obvious Trump victory, to a sudden Kamala Harris “win”. I don’t have to say that this sounds familiar, but I will. The difference is they need a better story this time; reasoning that sounds a little more logical to make it more plausible.
The crazy thing is, that wasn’t even the only time he’s said it! Yesterday he seemed downright giddy about it! Check this out!
NEW: WI Dem Party Chair: Expect to see a “Red Mirage” and then a “Blue Shift” in the “Middle of the Night.”
Here we go again.
BEN WIKLER: “We know that because Republicans blocked legislation that would have allowed the early processing of mail in ballots, we know that… pic.twitter.com/Oi3KoyfOhM
— Western Lensman (@WesternLensman) November 4, 2024
“We know that because Republicans blocked legislation that would have allowed the early processing of mail in ballots, we know that because Republicans blocked that bill, we won’t get the final tally of those votes which will be overwhelmingly Democratic until the middle of the night.”
“In 2020, it was like 3 or 4 in the morning, and that means we should expect a red shift where it seems like Trump is doing better than he is in fact, doing, and then, excuse me — a red mirage — and then a blue shift once those absentee ballot counts come in the middle of the night. Don’t be fooled.”
“And don’t be alarmed if it seems like Trump is overperforming what you’d expect when you get to midnight, because there’s still about 100,000 ballots, kind of big cache of ballots that have yet to be reported in Milwaukee. Because people know that that’s coming. My sense is that they’re fairly calm about it. We can expect all kinds of shenanigans and bogus claims from Republicans.”
The Wisconsin Democratic Party Chair is literally preparing the argument to be made that not only is this overnight “blue shift” to be expected — but it is actually the fault of the Republicans! You seriously can not make this stuff up, and it blow my mind that I am actually writing this story on the afternoon of Election Day.
According to a story in the Washington Examiner, Wikler made the comments on MSNBC, warning people not to believe their own eyes if it appears that President Trump is winning!
Wisconsin Democratic Party Chairman Ben Wikler predicted that if it appears that former President Donald Trump is winning his state, it will be a temporary “red mirage.”
Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris are battling for the state’s 10 electoral votes on Tuesday. Wikler appeared on MSNBC to make the argument that once the results start pouring in and Trump looks to be in the lead, it is not to be believed.
“So, in Milwaukee, you’ll see 100% of precincts reporting before you see the numbers that come out of those early votes in person, and those absentee ballots, which, my guess is, are heavily weighted toward Harris supporters,” Wikler said. “So, that means that you’re gonna see a red mirage, where it seems like Trump is doing better than he actually is because they haven’t counted and reported those absentee ballots yet, and then the blue shift when those ballots are introduced to add to the totals. That could be in the middle of the night. It certainly was in 2020.”
Trump lost Wisconsin in 2020 after winning the state in 2016.
Polls are open across Wisconsin until 8 p.m. Central. Voters who are in line by that time will be allowed to vote.
And if you think this guy is just telling it like he sees it, no whitewashing the reality or attempting to prep America for a potential gaslighting event, here’s what he posted about 15 minutes before I published this story.
Have been stopping by canvass launch locations in the Madison area between shifts today to deliver Greenbush Bakery donuts (the best!) and check on vibes. Everywhere, they’re magnificent. Everyone has stories of non-Dems voting for Harris. Nobody has stories of Dems for Trump. pic.twitter.com/RFQ5W2fw2A
— Ben Wikler (@benwikler) November 5, 2024
“Everyone has stories of non-Dems voting for Harris. Nobody has stories of Dems for Trump.”
– Ben Wikler
I am too old and too wise to imagine any longer that someone in his position makes a statement that patently false — literally the reverse of reality — unknowingly. These folks know exactly what they’re doing. There is an intentional attempt to keep alternate options on the table in case, as we’ve been saying all along, President Trump actually destroys the record books and completely owns the electoral map. Keep your eyes open, and your mind sharp — things are looking good, but this isn’t over yet.