Trump Projected To Win Pennsylvania

Trump Projected To Win Pennsylvania

Former President Donald Trump is projected to win the key swing state of Pennsylvania, securing the state’s 19 Electoral College votes, according to a projection from Decision Desk HQ. The race was called for Trump with 91% of the vote in as he lead Harris 51.2% to 47.8%. Trump has now secured 270 votes in the Electoral College. In 2020, Pennsylvania was the state that put President Joe Biden over the edge against Trump in the election as the country grappled with the coronavirus pandemic and had experienced months of far-Left riots in cities across the U.S. that caused billions of dollars in damage. An automatic recount for statewide races in Pennsylvania is triggered if the final results show the winner with a margin of victory that is 0.5 percentage points or less. MATT WALSH’S ‘AM I RACIST?’ NOW STREAMING ON DAILYWIRE+ Polls leading up to election had showed a tight race between the two candidates, with Trump leading Harris in the RealClearPolitics average by 0.4 points headed into Election Day. Pennsylvania has seen the largest amount of spending on campaign ads during the 2024 election cycle for all political races in the state with Democrats spending at least $637 million and Republicans spending $543 million. The $1.2 billion in spending is the first time that a state has ever seen more than a billion dollars in political advertising during an election. The figure — which includes ads on TV, radio, cable, digital, and more — nearly triples the combined $440 million that was spent in the state by both parties in 2020. For the presidential race during the 2024 election cycle, Democrats outspent Republicans $308 million to $267 million.