PBS’s Capehart Wonders if America Has ‘Given Up on Democracy’

PBS’s Capehart Wonders if America Has ‘Given Up on Democracy’

The Regime Media’s caterwauling over the election results began in earnest once it became evident that Vice President Kamala Harris would not prevail. In this case, Harris’s defeat is enough to suggest the end of democracy itself.    Watch as PBS’s Jonathan Caprhart suggests as much in the wake of Harris’s defeat: Jonathan @CapehartJ on PBS at 1:57 AM ET: Trump’s victory means “I can’t help but wonder if the American people have given up on democracy.” pic.twitter.com/6OV0LAsPMQ— Brent Baker ?? ?? (@BrentHBaker) November 6, 2024 JONATHAN CAPEHEART: I come to elections with a nse of humility, simply because polls don't vote, people vote. And so, in elections we finally get to hear what the American people have to say. And I’ve come to this election with an open mind and I want to know what the American people have to say. What was it- six hours ago I was mystified by what was going on. And now I can't help but think that if this election seems to be -- if it proves out that the millions of people who are watching Fox News, if that ends up being the case, then I can't help but wonder if the American people have given up on democracy. Simply because of what he has told us what he wants to do, simply because of what the Supreme Court decided in terms of immunity. He has said he will- he wants to go after his political enemies. “I am your retribution.” So if indeed what Fox is reporting, if that ends up being true, and ends up being the case. then this conversation about who we are as a country- I was going to say, you know, will pop off in earnest. But I think we will have an answer. Especially because I'm looking over your shoulder -- right now, Donald Trump has 51.2% of total votes. 51.2. “A sense of humility”, says Capeheart, as he states his contempt for his fellow Americans who do not share his world view. And not believing what our moral gatekeepers told us to believe turns out to be a national abandonment of democracy.  Per Capeheart’s logic, the exercise of democracy constitutes the abandonment of democracy. Democratic institutions and the exercise of our right to free speech in furtherance of these democratic exercises also threaten Capeheart’s version of democracy. Hell hath no fury like a spurned gatekeeper.