“When I Called My Dad After My Cliff Jumping Accident, He Dropped Everything…”
Life is full of endless highs and lows. While it’s always nice to have loved ones around for the exciting moments in life, their support is all-the-more needed during times of struggle. For Jamie Brotsky, one person she can always count on to show up for her is her dad. He’s proven this time and time again throughout her life. Even still, Jamie found herself in awe over the lengths he went through after her cliff jumping accident.
If you check out Jamie’s social media pages, you’ll quickly discover that she’s adventurous. During her travels, she loves to find fun ways to explore. This includes cliff jumping. While this can certainly be a fun way to go on an adventure, unfortunately, it can also be dangerous. After Jamie’s accident, she found herself in a hospital in Italy. But not even this distance could keep her day away from his hurt little girl.
As Jamie explains in the image above, her dad had to take three planes to reach her. Together, that took 16 hours. From there, he fought for her to be able to get home. This would end up costing him $20,000 out of his own retirement fund, but he didn’t think twice about it. He was willing to do whatever was needed to get Jamie home.
“He let me wear his shoes after my partial amputation and got me a walker to help me learn to walk again,” Jamie writes, “and never left my side.”
Nothing Can Keep This Dad Away From His Daughter After Her Cliff Jumping Accident
Jamie has made so much progress since that fateful day, something I’m sure she can’t imagine having done without loved ones like her dad by her side.
“And I bet for him it felt like the very least he could do to ease your pain,” someone points out in the comments. “Cherish him forever.”
You can find the source of this story’s featured image here!
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