Media, Dems Blame Americans’ Racism, Sexism For Harris Loss

Media, Dems Blame Americans’ Racism, Sexism For Harris Loss

As former President Donald Trump marched to victory over Vice President Kamala Harris on Tuesday night, leftist members of the media and Democrats cited racism and misogyny. Trump was declared the victor first by Fox News, but it took hours for other news organizations to admit the fact. Former Barack Obama advisor David Axelrod cited sexism as part of the reason for Harris’ defeat. “I think there are plenty of ways to critique her as a candidate; I think they’ll be time to do that,” Axelrod said. “But that doesn’t obviate the fact that there were some people who probably voted against her, we’ve never had a woman president, that there’s sexism in this country.” “I do have to wonder what role race and gender played,” ABC’s Linsey Davis said. “I mean, we’re talking about, one thing that stands out, a less diverse electorate, when you think about even just at-large with the world, of the 193 member nations only 13 have a woman who leads them. Black women are often the last at the table when it comes to pay disparity in this country, getting 67 cents on the dollar when it comes to white men.” Davis went on: “And so I don’t know that we have the answers tonight, but I think that is kind of the elephant in the room that we’re not talking about, because we’re not just talking about having a woman, we’re talking about having a woman of color, and I think that that’s something that we cannot underestimate.” Asked why Trump won, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) declared, “Racism is the basic part. Now I know that there will be some support from some minorities, but basically, we’re outnumbered. We’re outnumbered. And it’s not about whether or not, y’know, people are selecting absolutely based on public policy or whether or not there’s an elected official who’s willing to do what’s in the best interest of all the people.” “People don’t like to talk about racism,” Waters said. “But the fact of the matter is the majority of his votes are going to come from whites, and that’s who he has been talking to, all campaign, about taking the country back, taking it back from too many minorities who are doing too well.”