Overjoyed Christians break into spontaneous song at Trump victory party: 'God is so merciful'

Overjoyed Christians break into spontaneous song at Trump victory party: 'God is so merciful'

Kamala Harris tried pandering to American Christians in the final stretch before Election Day, likely hoping they had forgotten about her suggestion that traditional pro-life Catholics cannot sit as American judges; her threats to religious liberty; her efforts to compel religious institutions to compromise their beliefs and accept both abortion and gender ideology; her efforts to legally crush pro-life activists; and her recent suggestion to a pair of Christian college students who yelled "Jesus is Lord" at a campaign event that they were "at the wrong rally." The Democratic vice president's efforts were in vain. American Christians overwhelmingly rejected Harris — dubbed the most "anti-faith" candidate in American history Friday by Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts — in Tuesday's election, which was consecrated to the Virgin Mary in advance by an exorcist. According to CNN exit polls, 62% of respondents who identified as Protestant or "other Christian" and 56% of respondents who identified as Catholics ultimately voted to make President Donald Trump the 47th president. NBC's exit polls affirmed that Trump's support among both Christian groups was in the neighborhood, showing two percentage points higher on both counts. Some of those Christians, overjoyed by Trump's landslide victory and its greater significance, broke into song at the Republican's victory party at Florida's West Palm Beach County Convention Center early Wednesday morning. The titular host of "The Truth with Lisa Boothe" captured the crowd's apparently spontaneous rendition of "How Great Thou Art" on camera. Boothe told Blaze News that as the victory party was wrapping up and she was about make her departure, "All of a sudden, I just hear singing. I don't know who started it, but it seemed very spontaneous. People started singing and then more people started joining in." 'We really are one nation under God.' Soon, more Trump supporters joined the impromptu 3 a.m. chorale, at which point Boothe began recording. — (@) "It was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen," said Boothe. "It brought me to tears and tugged on my heart." "I think what was so beautiful about it is that you have all these people who have been so disparaged by the media, who have been maligned, who have been demeaned, who have been called all these terrible things — 'garbage,' 'fascists,' 'Nazis,' 'irredeemable,' 'basket of deplorables,'" continued Boothe. "You have people of all walks of life, all races, all backgrounds, coming together to celebrate Jesus Christ and to celebrate this course correction as a country." 'You see nothing but humble joy.' The moving moment impressed upon Boothe that "we really are one nation under God, and we are more united than divided." Boothe reflected on how Americans have been treated during the Biden-Harris years: During COVID, you weren't allowed to go to church in some parts of the country. People's businesses were shut down. You know, people were forced to get ... experimental vaccines that they didn't need or want. And you had the heavy hand of government come down on pro-life Catholics who peacefully protested outside of abortion clinics, who just wanted to direct women in another direction or at least make them think about the decision they were about to make. Boothe indicated that after such a dark period in American history, the hymn Wednesday was not just a Christ-directed sigh of relief but a sign of hope, renewal, and unity. Boothe's video went viral, prompting some commentators online to note the hymn's significance to them and others to marvel at the genuine joy exuded by those long denigrated by Democrats. BlazeTV's Liz Wheeler tweeted, "I'm sobbing. God is so merciful. And my goodness these are the people who have been called garbage & Nazis and yet you see nothing but humble joy." One user on X noted that the video left her in tears as "How Great Thou Art" was her late mother's favorite song: "She's so happy in heaven right now watching us get back on the right path!" BlazeTV's Sara Gonzales wrote, "This is absolutely beautiful." "What an experience," wrote Fr. Calvin Robinson. "God be with you all." Fr. Robinson added, "How Great Thou Art was an anthem of Billy Graham's Crusades. Let it become an anthem in President Trump's Crusade to Make America Great Again. Make The West Christendom Again." Like Blaze News? Bypass the censors, sign up for our newsletters, and get stories like this direct to your inbox. Sign up here!