Concealed Carrying while Drinking

Concealed Carrying while Drinking

Concealed carrying while drinking (or taking any controlled substance) can be a controversial topic considering the differing legal standards outlined from state to state. Some states have clear laws that make it illegal to consume alcohol and possess a concealed handgun on your person or in your vehicle while others set a blood alcohol limit, allowing minimal drinking while carrying. Some states allow you to carry while inside of a restaurant that serves alcohol while some prohibit carrying in such places. Keep in mind that the law is ever evolving, and as an all-the-way-grown up, it’s your duty to stay informed of the implications of your choices, regardless of your personal feelings on the matter. While the law is one thing, ethics and scrutiny are another. In a self defense event, everything is and will be fair game. While you may imagine yourself the potential hero, the legal aftermath of a situation where alcohol was involved would more than likely leave a defendant in a deeply vulnerable position, regardless of how minimal the consumption. Choosing to defend life is a responsibility of the most serious matter, and should be treated as such. If your decision is to imbibe while out on the town, do you have a PACE plan in place for your personal safety? How do you go about choosing a designated defender, and how do you legally and ethically maintain your own defense with less lethal options? Let’s have a discussion in the comments