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The Church of Sweden: "Praying for the American people - in the time to come"
Published 2024-11-06
On Wednesday, Archbishop Martin Modéus commented on the outcome of the US presidential election. This through a post that the Church of Sweden "prays for the American people" and hinted that the United States is heading for a dark time.

The Church of Sweden has repeatedly been criticized for having been kidnapped by left-wing political forces. Samnytt has previously drawn attention to, among other things, vicious attacks against the Sweden Democrats.

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It was on Wednesday morning that the archbishop received the news that Trump would win the presidential election. Then he published a post on, among others, Facebook and X regarding a prayer for the American people.

"God, we pray for the American people, for outstretched hands in the time to come," reads the post and further:

"Help us all to seek peace and understanding, even when we disagree".

Archbishop for the Social Democrats
The post has provoked many reactions in the comments section. Samnytt's former employee Mira Aksoy has asked if Modéus is an archbishop for the Church of Sweden or for the Social Democrats.

Former SVT journalist Chris Forsne stated that it is people like Modéus who make people leave the Church of Sweden.