TIM'S TRUTH - Company Seal Not A Commonwealth Seal

TIM'S TRUTH - Company Seal Not A Commonwealth Seal

Treachery. 24AA.—(1.) A person shall not— (a) do any act or thing with intent— (i) to overthrow the Constitution of the Commonwealth by revolution or sabotage; (ii) to overthrow by force or violence the established government of the Commonwealth, of a State or of a proclaimed country; Sabotage. 24AB.—(1.) In this section—Sabotage. ‘act of sabotage’ means the destruction, damage or impairment, for a purpose intended to be prejudicial to the safety or defense of the Commonwealth, UTL COMMENT:- Australia Act which was Illegally passed without a referendum of the people. we are being run under a corporate Australia, not the commonwealth of Australia. All whilst our REAL Parliament house sits empty. I think that they hoped to use the yes vote to cement the illegal changes they put in and thing's they took out when they altered our constitution and tried to say the Queen agreed. She is not 'The Queen of Australia'? We have and never have had a 'Queen or King of Australia'!! They are using the Australia Act to strip the people and the Commonwealth of assets and resources. WEF and globalists have trained most of the members in Parliament and offered them good paying jobs with a 50 years career (plus side benefits I am sure...) to do what they have been doing.