Power Out Cooking: Cooking Indoors on the VESTA with Safe Heat
We intended to cook a pot of soup outside on a rocket stove today but a little blizzard meant it was time for Plan B. We pulled out our VESTA and used canned heat to cook. It took a bit longer but the result was the same and I stayed nice and warm inside the house. VESTA Self-Powered Indoor Space Heater & Stove by InstaFire You can find SafeHeat on Amazon at if you can't find it at My Patriot Supply. The least expensive place to purchase it is a restaurant supply company or Sam's Club. It is a good idea to have a battery-operated carbon monoxide detector handy when burning anything. We like this one by Kidde Kylene's Zuppa Toscana Soup with Dumplings • 1 pound ground sausage • Olive oil • 1 white onion, diced • 4 cloves garlic, minced • 2 quarts liquid (chicken broth and water) • 4-5 unpeeled yellow potatoes, cut into 1-inch pieces • 1 tablespoon salt, or to taste • 1 teaspoon basil • 1 teaspoon black pepper • 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes • 4 cups kale, chopped • 1 cup heavy cream (optional) ** Dumplings (optional) • 1 cup flour (all-purpose, whole wheat, or gluten-free) • 2 large eggs • ¼ cup water You might also be interested in these posts at : 30-Day Grid-Down Cooking Challenge - Lessons Learned and Fuel Usage Thermal Cookers: Powerful Solution for Efficient Emergency Cooking Candles as an Emergency Fuel Source for Warmth, Light, and Cooking Butane Stove: Portable and Convenient Power Outage Cooking Solar Ovens: Cooking with the Sun in an Emergency (and Every Day) Charcoal: Inexpensive Fuel for Outdoor Emergency Cooking Best Alcohol Cooking Fuels for Campers and Preppers Canned Heat - Safe Fuel for Indoor Emergency Cooking Safe Indoor Emergency Cooking Solutions Surviving a Winter Power Outage: How to Stay Warm Thanks for being part of the solution!