Rick Scott is a good man — and the leader Senate Republicans need

Rick Scott is a good man — and the leader Senate Republicans need

As Republicans, our core values are often tested in the crucible of tragedy and adversity. It is in these moments that true leaders emerge, demonstrating through action a steadfast commitment to the principles we hold dear. Senator Rick Scott (R-Fla.) is one such leader. His decisive actions following the Parkland tragedy not only brought about meaningful change but also cemented my deep respect and friendship. He has my enthusiastic support to be the next Senate majority leader.I met Rick Scott after the devastating shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, where my 14-year-old daughter Alaina was killed. As Florida’s governor, Scott faced a challenge that would define his legacy. While others offered empty rhetoric, Scott took action. He worked tirelessly to secure the passage of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act, a testament to what Republican leadership can achieve with courage and resolve.His track record speaks volumes, and his leadership is exactly what the Senate needs as we continue the fight to keep America great.Many critics of Scott’s bid for Senate majority leader point to his support for the Marjory Stoneman Douglas Public Safety Act, particularly its inclusion of a “red flag” provision and the restriction on long gun sales to individuals under 21. To those critics, I remind them of the political landscape in 2018. At that time, the Florida Legislature did not have the Republican supermajority it enjoys today. While Republicans controlled both chambers, votes from the opposition were essential to pass any school safety legislation.The stakes were high, with immense pressure from the left to push gun control as the only solution to targeted school attacks. While most Republicans were willing to move forward with legislation, some likely felt the intense public pressure and thought it safer to let the session end and do nothing.Because of Rick Scott’s leadership, he was able to unite a coalition of legislators, law enforcement, educators, mental health professionals, and families of victims. I saw Rick lead amid the chaos, bringing together individuals who had never collaborated before to pass meaningful legislation.The Marjory Stoneman Douglas Public Safety Act implemented significant safety and mental health measures without the extreme infringement on the Second Amendment that many called for. It was a balanced approach in an era when extremes often overshadow practical solutions. Six years later, this legislation has arguably made Florida schools the safest in the nation. Scott’s ability to navigate this contentious debate shows that protecting our children and safeguarding our freedoms are not mutually exclusive goals.To be clear, I oppose two provisions in the legislation that I hope will be changed. Florida’s “red flag” law should be repealed, and I believe that if you’re old enough to serve your country, you’re old enough to purchase any firearm.I have come to know Rick Scott personally, especially during the painful days and weeks after the Parkland atrocity. His genuine concern for and dedication to the victims and their families were evident. Rick reached out, listened, and took to heart the stories of those who had lost loved ones. Our friendship has given me a firsthand view of his empathy, commitment, and unwavering resolve to stand up for what is right. Every time I speak with Senator Scott, he asks about my family by name and has followed their lives for the past six years.Looking ahead, the challenges facing our nation demand the kind of steadfast, experienced leadership that Rick Scott embodies. We need a leader who not only advocates for conservative policies but also understands the mechanics of government needed to enact them. Rick’s record in Florida — from economic policies that spurred job growth and tax cuts to educational reforms — demonstrates his ability to lead with a fiercely conservative vision that aligns with our values.He knows how to move legislation forward and will be crucial in ensuring that the legislative agenda of the incoming Trump administration gets passed. As with the post-Parkland school safety legislation, we have an urgent window of opportunity to secure the Trump agenda. The Senate needs a leader who can get the job done.As Senate majority leader, Rick Scott will push for fiscal responsibility, champion conservative values, and work tirelessly to ensure that America remains a land of opportunity for all its citizens.In times of trial and uncertainty, character and proven leadership matter. Rick Scott has shown both, time and again. In the most painful season of my life, I witnessed up close his compassion, dedication, and effectiveness. I am confident in his ability to lead the Senate with the same vigor and integrity he has shown throughout his career.I’m calling all Republicans to rally behind Rick Scott: a leader not just for today but for a brighter Republican future. His track record speaks volumes, and his leadership is exactly what the Senate needs as we continue the fight to keep America great.