Unveiling Talgua Cave: The Glowing Skulls of Honduras' Past

Unveiling Talgua Cave: The Glowing Skulls of Honduras' Past

Talgua Cave, known also as the ‘Cave of the Glowing Skulls’, is a cave located in the Olancho Valley, which is situated in Catacamas, a municipality in northeastern Honduras. The cave’s name may be said to be a misnomer, as the skulls do not actually glow on their own. Instead, the piles of human bones on the surface of the cave were coated over the centuries by a layer of calcium crystals. These crystals reflect light, thus giving the bones a glowing appearance. The existence of the Talgua Cave is said to have been known by locals for generations. Nevertheless, the area where the ‘glowing skulls’ were found seems to have not been known by the outside world. Knowledge of its existence in modern times may be dated back only as far as 1994. Read moreSection: NewsHistory & ArchaeologyAncient PlacesAmericasRead Later