Bezos New Cattle Anti-Methane Vax to Attack Our Meat / Food Production. All in the Name of a Lie

Bezos New Cattle Anti-Methane Vax to Attack Our Meat / Food Production. All in the Name of a Lie

Bezos New Cattle Anti-Methane Vax to Attack Our Meat / Food Production. All in the Name of a Lie ****************** NOW IS THE TIME TO PROVE THE EVIL CLIMATE CULT IS FULL OF SHIT. - NOW THERE IS PROOF THEY ARE IGNORING THE SCIENCE. RUB IT IN THEIR FACE - New Discovery That Plants Consume 31% MORE C02 PROVES That All of Their Claims Are BS and That NOW ALL OF THEIR MODELS AND PREDICTIONS ARE COMPLETELY WRONG AND HAVE NO BASIS IN FACT... * See This Recent Video by The Corbett Report: - Plants Consume 31% More C02 Than Previously Known Must See - ********* Gee, Why Hasn't Trump Talked About Protecting us From mRNA and Vaccines in Our Food? Because HE DOESN'T CARE. - In Fact when he was in Office he REMOVED FOOD LABEL REQUIREMENTS FOR GMO FOODS... * Cattle methane vaccine project receives $9.4m in funding - 6 - Amazon CEO, Jeff Bezos, has provided $9.4 million (€8.7 million) in funding towards a project examining the viability of a methane vaccine designed to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG)... * They Are giving Cows mRNA Vaccine • Which Will Pass the Vaccine Into Milk, Cheese etc - Prepare For Change -›They Are giving Cows mRNA Vaccine • Which Will Pass… - LETHAL INJECTIONS: 18% of Cattle DIE Immediately Following mRNA ‘Vaccination’. ... Essential: Gather information you input into a contact forms newsletter and other forms across all pages. - * Thankfully We Have Trump and RFK Jr!! THE VACCINE DADDY and MANDATORY VAX FAN! Not!!! - 736 views November 13, 2024 MattyD 4Truth - Disgusting...........Cattle Methane Vaccine, God help us - Category: Monkeypox,Covid Related,Servants of Evil,Truth Teller / Speak Out - Duration: 01:02 - Date:  2024-11-13 20:05:57 - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES Mirrored From: