Forgotten But Unbroken combines XCOM, Company of Heroes, and brutal realism

Forgotten But Unbroken combines XCOM, Company of Heroes, and brutal realism

XCOM 2 is one of the best games I’ve played, partly because of how it organically creates characterization and drama. Dialogue is sparse. Cutscenes are few. But the sheer ardor of every battle, the chaos of its turn-based, dice-roll combat, and the spontaneous moments of glory that result mean that I feel more committed to my team of blank-slate soldiers than I do to some of gaming’s most defined and verbose protagonists. Combining the Firaxis formula with inspirations from Company of Heroes and Commandos, a new WW2 strategy game balances the player-driven narrative of XCOM with researched historical realism. This is Forgotten But Unbroken, and it’s available right now. Continue reading Forgotten But Unbroken combines XCOM, Company of Heroes, and brutal realism