FBI Director Literally SHAKING When GOP Senator Asks Him About Jeffrey Epstein's "BLACKMAIL TAPES"

FBI Director Literally SHAKING When GOP Senator Asks Him About Jeffrey Epstein's "BLACKMAIL TAPES"

FBI Director Literally SHAKING When GOP Senator Asks Him About Jeffrey Epstein's "BLACKMAIL TAPES" - Director Wray: "No One Is Above The Law". - Did I mention Wray is a Blatant Liar... - 287,603 views November 20, 2024 Senator Kennedy - FBI Director Wray *** Lol. Personally I think all of these Hearings are FAKE. Just Theater to Trick the Public into believing that they are Actually Trying to Pursue Justice and Take Government Corruption. - THIS MAY BE ENTERTAINING - BUT THE MOSSAD/CIA PEDO BLACKMAIL OPERATIONS OR THEIR ELITE BLACKMAIL PUPPETS WILL NEVER BE MADE PUBLIC, LET ALONE BE SHUT DOWN OR FACE LEGAL CONSEQUENCES - We Know Damn Well that very many members of Both Republicans and Democrats in Congress and Senate would be among the Top Ones Incriminated if the DID Actually Expose the entire Operation. Both as Co-conspirators and Blackmail Clients. - The Most Unfortunate Part is that the vast majority of the Public BELIEVES the Shit Show is Real. - Public Shaming of Corrupt Government Officials may be Dramatic, but to anyone Paying Attention - NOTHING EVER RESULTS FROM THEM - (EXCEPT THOSE WHO ARE FRAMED FOR FIGHTING AGAINST THE DEEP STATE TRAITORS) *** FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES Mirrored From: https://www.youtube.com/@professora.gianecroche