International Affairs Professor Says Biden ‘Checked’ China: What World Does He Live In?
George Washington Professor of International Affairs Robert Sutter writes in The Diplomat that the Biden administration has successfully checked China in Asia and will be a tough act to follow for the incoming Trump administration.
Sutter claims that the Biden legacy includes “checking Beijing’s challenges and ambitions,” building “positions of strength” to achieve “integrated deterrence,” advancing “bilateral alliances” in the Indo–Pacific, “establishing new minilateral frameworks among allies” in the region, and integrating NATO allies with Asian allies to counter Beijing’s ambitions. Which raises the question: What world does the professor live in?
During the last four years, China has behaved more aggressively toward Taiwan, carrying out military exercises involving land, sea, air, and missile units that have heightened tensions in the South China Sea. China also expanded its advantage in shipbuilding capabilities, dramatically increased its strategic nuclear and medium-range nuclear forces, expanded the reach of its Belt and Road Initiative in Latin America (an unambiguous challenge to the Monroe Doctrine), and moved closer to Russia, Iran, and North Korea. (RELATED: Rejuvenating the Monroe Doctrine)
China expert Gordon Chang has noted that Biden’s fumbling of the Afghanistan withdrawal and his failure to deter Russia from invading Ukraine demonstrated to Chinese leaders the incompetence of the outgoing American administration. Those failures were compounded by Biden’s Middle East failures, which have given China an opportunity to extend its influence in the region, just as Obama’s similar failures provided an opportunity for Russia to return to the Middle East.
Compare Sutter’s world with that of Helen Raleigh, an entrepreneur who lives and works in the real world. Writing a few months ago in The Federalist, Raleigh deemed Biden’s China policy a complete failure for continuing to encourage American businesses to invest in China, for failing to strictly enforce restrictions on semiconductor chip exports to China, for pursuing “green initiatives” that only serve to deepen America’s dependence on China, and for talking out of both sides of its mouth about whether America would defend Taiwan in the event of Chinese aggression.
Raleigh also noted China’s significant nuclear weapons buildup and its increased threats to Taiwan, the Philippines, and other U.S. allies in the region. She believes that Chinese President Xi Jinping has been emboldened by observing Biden’s mental and physical decline.
An even more damning indictment of Biden’s foreign policy — including his China policy — appears in The National Interest in an essay by two scholars at the Stimson Center, Matthew Burrows and Robert Manning. They characterize Biden’s legacy as a “troubled interregnum” where the limits of American power were ignored in an effort to perpetuate a “fading primacy.” They ridicule outgoing Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s assertion that Biden’s strategy “has put the United States in a much stronger geopolitical position today than it was four years ago” as “hubris on steroids.”
Instead, Biden and his foreign policy team have presided over an “unraveling global order” that has seen the world placed in a state of “polycrisis.” Its policies have pushed China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea closer together. The Biden team has attempted to disguise its failures by touting its role in a false ideological struggle between democracy and autocracy, even as it promotes the notion of global governance. It is the very antithesis of realism.
Under the Biden administration, what the communists used to call the “correlation of forces” has shifted in China’s favor. It is not unlike the situation Ronald Reagan faced after four years of Jimmy Carter. Let’s hope that Donald Trump emulates Reagan and reverses the correlation of forces in America’s favor.
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