Isn’t It Time For Jasmine Crockett To Shut Up?

Isn’t It Time For Jasmine Crockett To Shut Up?

I’ve got a friend — I’ve known him for quite a while and I’m not going to use his name because he’s a private guy who absolutely abhors politics and what it does to people — who I’ll call Curt. Curt is black. He’s in his late 30s, has a professional degree, and works as a consultant for industrial-type things. He’s a good-looking guy, and single. No kids. When he’s dated, the girls he’s been with have rarely been black. He didn’t tell me who he voted for on Nov. 5. He didn’t have to. I already knew, just like I knew he wouldn’t tell anybody how he was voting. Trump, obviously. Exit polling after the election shows that 23 to 25 percent of black men were Curts in this past cycle. A lot of them were more than Curts, in that they were wide open about how Trump had their vote. His policy was “don’t ask, don’t tell,” which probably saved him some grief. Increasingly, though, I don’t think he cares who knows. For example, Curt sent me a text message with this… Rep. Jasmine Crockett says white people cannot use the phrase “oppressed.” “You tell me which white men were dragged out of their homes, you tell me which one of them got dragged all the way across an ocean and told that you were gonna go and work.” — Resist the Mainstream (@ResisttheMS) November 20, 2024 …and when he did, he said, “If you want an explanation for how I do it, it’s all in here.” I took that to mean, based on conversations we’ve had, that Curt wasn’t just talking about his quiet Trump vote but also his dating habits. That quarter of the black male vote that went Republican, which is the cool quarter now because those are the guys whose side won, looked at Kamala Harris and saw in her an only slightly dressed-up version of Jasmine Crockett, the loud-mouthed imbecile on that video Curt sent me. They have absolutely had it with this trope of the faux-victimized black female. A stereotype and caricature they see all too often in the flesh and blood of the dysfunctional ghetto matriarchy and vast wasteland that is — at least in Curt’s telling and I can’t see a reason to dispute him — dating in the black community. Crockett personifies it utterly. Here is a woman making a six-figure salary, who now is building a household name, if for all the wrong reasons, and has a considerable amount of power over her fellowman as a member of the U.S. Congress. And to listen to her talk she just disembarked from the Underground Railroad. And nothing Crockett said in that clip, which was apparently an attempt to chide white men for noting the oppressiveness of her woke world the majority of Americans just resoundingly rejected on Nov. 5, matches up with history. I told Curt I had to write a column in The American Spectator about this obnoxious outburst of Crockett’s because, taking out a few outliers here and there, about half of my lineage is Scottish highlander and the other half is Cajun French. And both groups were victims of exactly what the obnoxious ignoramus Jasmine Crockett says never happened to white people. The Acadians were Frenchmen who settled in what are now the Maritime Provinces of Canada, and Nova Scotia in particular, in the 17th century. But by the 18th century, the British decided their territories in that region were under threat from the Acadians, and when war with France broke out in the middle part of that century, they essentially rounded up most of them, forcibly put them on ships, and expelled them to the four winds. And yes, many of them were “dragged across the ocean” as they were deported to France, only to then be brought back to the New World so that they could provide Catholic subjects for what was then the Spanish territory of Louisiana. The Acadians thus became the Cajuns, and South Louisiana then became their new homeland. Even then, they were an oppressed people — as the tyrannical leftist Huey Long, in the early 20th century, decreed from the state’s gubernatorial manse that Cajun culture was to be stamped out and, in particular, Cajun French would be eliminated from the public schools. My grandparents’ generation told stories of teachers smacking kids with rulers for the crime of speaking French within earshot. Slavery it wasn’t, but Cajuns don’t generally want to hear too many of Jasmine Crockett’s complaints. As for the Scots on my father’s side, there’s a significant tale of woe surrounding the treatment of Clan Mackay by the British as well. The Mackays have a very long lineage in northwestern Scotland; in fact, ours is one of the more storied of the highland clans. But you won’t find as many Mackays — or McKays, or even MacAoidhs (that’s how it’s spelled in Gaelic) — in Scotland as you’d expect. Why? Because, in the early 19th century, the British nobility who controlled the lands the Mackays, and others, lived on essentially decided it was better used for crofting sheep than subsistence farming. Thus came the Highland Clearances, in which people who’d done nothing wrong were thrown off the land they’d worked for centuries, loaded onto ships, and dragged across the ocean. Some ended up in Australia; more ended up in Nova Scotia, where they repopulated the lands the Acadians had been thrown off. And a few Mackays made it to Louisiana. One in particular married a Lambert and that’s where I came from. So when I see Jasmine Crockett bitching about people being dragged across the ocean, I want to laugh in her face. She literally has no idea what she’s talking about. And my friend Curt has absolutely had it with the Jasmine Crocketts of the world. He refuses to tolerate them. I don’t think he’s alone. I think that 23 percent, or 25 percent depending on the exit poll, is a number that will grow exponentially. I think the trope of the “strong, independent black woman” that Jasmine Crockett seeks to exemplify has lost most of its luster, and nobody wants to put up with this sort of histrionic harangue any longer. I think white people, Hispanics, Asians, and black men, and undoubtedly a soon-to-be-growing number of black women, will be louder and louder in telling the Jasmine Crocketts of the world the same thing. Shut up. We’re done listening to you. We’ve heard what you have to say, it’s hateful and ignorant, and we’re setting a higher standard. I don’t think this tones Crockett down. She’s incapable of controlling herself. She’s been an obnoxious harpy since she got to Congress. But I do think she’s going out of style, fast. A Jasmine Crockett is only relevant to the extent she can shame guilty whites and polite blacks into simping for her. But when the simps get tired of simping, it’s tough on the race-pimping. Your time is up, Jasmine. And my friend Curt is damn glad of that. READ MORE from Scott McKay: Saving The Country With Russ Vought Five Quick Things: Trump’s Cabinet Picks Are a Political Sea Change Shapiro Has a Major Opportunity In Stopping the Pennsylvania Steal The post Isn’t It Time For Jasmine Crockett To Shut Up? appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.