Introducing Climath

Introducing Climath

A new blog by Demetris Koutsoyiannis Greek hydrologist Demetris Koutsoyiannis, who has been very active lately in publishing scientific articles about climate change and the greenhouse effect, has now also started his own blog. Here an excerpt from his introductory article: Our politicians, followed by mainstream media and a very wide audience, speak about “climate change”, “climate emergency” or “climate crisis”. Viewed scientifically, the term “climate change” has the same significance as “time change” or “weather change”. Like time and weather, climate has always changed during the 4.5 billion years of Earth’s history. Hence, “climate change”, if seen in a scientific context, is a tautology, a pleonasm. It is just a popular slogan that belongs to the political vocabulary. In Greece, we have a Ministry of Climate Crisis. The European Parliament has declared a state of climate emergency. Yet, the Clintel’s World Climate Declaration, of which I am a signatory, states: “There is no climate emergency/crisis”. To elucidate my point of view: as a physical reality, there is no climate crisis, but as a political issue, there is—and it’s much more dangerous than a physical climate crisis. In brief, the political landscape around climate is this. A climafia feeds its climinions with climillions, while a much wider number of climorons spread the propaganda fabricated by the climafiosi. And given the extent of the climandate agenda, we may assume that it also includes climoles, who present themselves as climate sceptics, while serving the agenda. This is the entire climess around. Read the whole article here: Check our Shop for some cool shit and gifts! The post Introducing Climath appeared first on Bikernet Blog - Online Biker Magazine.