The Many Uses And Benefits Of Vicks Vapor Rub
Vicks Vapor Rub is one of those products that have multiple uses and benefits! Every survivalist and homesteader alike should have this amazing product in their medicine cabinet and/or bug out bag at all times! The benefits of Vicks Vapor Rub are virtually endless, read on!
Let’s take a glance at what amazing Vicks Vapor Rub uses and benefits I’ll be covering:
Repels mosquitos and other insects
Soothes the pain of an earache
Reduces the appearance of stretch marks
Relieves tennis elbow pain
Heals cracked heels
Heals athlete’s foot
Soothes sore muscles
Reduces eczema itching and inflammation
Dries out acne
Heals bruises and cuts
Treats nail fungus
Removes warts
Stops a dry cough
Let’s get started!
The Many Uses And Benefits Of Vicks Vapor Rub
Repels Mosquitos And Other Insects
Repelling mosquitos is so important! Just apply Vicks Vapor Rub to your skin and they will stay clear of you.
Other insects, such as ticks, will stay away as well. Also, if you happen to have a tick attached to your skin, rub Vicks Vapor Rub on the area where the tick is attached. The tick will eventually release itself.
Soothes The Pain Of An Earache
If you are suffering from earache pain, dab a very small amount on a cotton ball and place inside your ear. This can be done a few times a day to relieve earache pain. It will not, however, clear up the infection.
Reduces The Appearance Of Stretch Marks
Some swear by this! Apply Vicks Vapor Rub on your stretch marks daily for 2 weeks and you will notice a dramatic decrease in their appearance.
Relieves Tennis Elbow Pain
If you are suffering pain from tennis elbow, apply Vicks Vapor Rub to the affected area until the pain subsides.
Heals Cracked Heels
Do you have cracked skin on your heels? Try this! Apply a generous amount on your heels every night before bed but, make sure to wear socks. Just rinse your heels first thing the next morning and you’re good to go! It may take several applications for severely cracked heels. Also, using a pumice stone during day can speed up the process.
Heals Athlete’s Foot
Athlete’s foot is no fun! Applying Vicks Vapor Rub twice a day will heal athlete’s foot. It is recommended that you wear socks to help keep the Vicks Vapor Rub from rubbing off.
Soothes Sore Muscles
Applying Vicks Vapor Rub to sore muscles works wonders!
Here is what you do:
Apply Vicks Vapor Rub to your sore muscle
Next, apply a dry warm towel to the affected muscle
Lie down and elevate the problem area until you feel relief from the pain
Reduces Eczema Itching And Inflammation
If you suffer from eczema, applying Vicks Vapor Rub to the affected area will greatly reduce any itching and inflammation associated with eczema.
Dries Out Acne
Applying Vicks Vapor Rub to your skin several times a day will clean, soothe, and dry out acne.
Heals Bruises And Cuts
Mix Vicks Vapor Rub with a pinch of salt and apply to fresh bruises and they will disappear much faster.
Vicks Vapor Rub also speeds up healing time for minor cuts.
Treats Nail Fungus
If you have fingernail or toenail fungus, apply a generous amount of Vicks Vapor Rub to the affected nail and cover the nail with gauze or a sock. This can be done twice a day until the nail fungus is completely gone.
Removes Warts
Apply a generous amount of Vicks Vapor Rub to the wart and cover with gauze. This can be done twice a day until the wart is gone.
Stops A Dry Cough
Two years ago I had a respiratory infection. After antibiotics and tons of over the counter medications, I developed a severe dry cough. It kept me awake at night and I was miserable!
A friend of mine told me about a Vicks Vapor Rub remedy that would eliminate the coughing at night. I was skeptical but, IT WORKED!
I applied a generous amount of Vicks Vapor Rub to the soles of my feet and put socks on and went to bed. I went from coughing all night to not coughing at all. My dry cough eventually disappeared altogether!
Do you use/have other benefits of Vicks Vapor Rub in your home? Tell us your favorite use in the comment section below!
*This article is to be used as advice and is not from a medical professional. Please read our full disclaimer here.