Have You Heard Of “Boofing”? WARNING: Graphic!
Have you heard of “Boofing”?
I have.
I wish I hadn’t.
Now you have to hear about it too….
Leave it to the druggies to come up with something as disgusting as this.
If smoking the drugs or injecting the drugs or eating the drugs was not good enough, you now have an alternative….insert them into your anus for an even quicker “high”!
What will they think of next?
But that’s not even the main reason I’m showing you this.
I’m showing you this because Maine is now using taxpayer dollars to support and sponsor this behavior, according to the Maine Wire.
Stay classy, Maine!
Just watch this video for yourself:
“I always recommend people try boofing.”
Watch as Maine’s “harm reduction” experts opine on the virtues of sticking fentanyl up your butt. pic.twitter.com/qZymOMWLod
— The Maine Wire (@TheMaineWire) June 11, 2024
Backup video here if needed:
Have you heard about BOOFING? pic.twitter.com/NbjeNbXEKP
— DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) June 15, 2024
Sticking fentanyl up your butt?
Gee, what could possibly go wrong?
Grok reports that the term “boofing” can have many different meanings and can I just suggest from experience in writing this article that you may not want to search for it on Google or Twitter?
Pro tip!
Here are more details on the taxpayer funded program, from the Maine Wire:
Maine’s taxpayer-funded “harm reduction” specialists call it “boofing” or “booty dumping,” but those are just pleasant euphemisms referring to the practice of sticking heroin, fentanyl, or meth up your butt.
Maine Access Points, a taxpayer-funded nonprofit based in Bangor, as well as the city of Portland’s city-run needle distribution center are both offering extensive how-to guides and — even anal injection kits — to help drug users squirt narcotics into their anuses.
In Portland, the “Portland Public Health Boofing Kit” comes with a needleless syringe and an informational flyer explaining the proper technique for putting drugs up your butt.
First, users are instructed to find a safe and private spot to “boof your drugs.”
Then, you mix your drugs in a tin with saline and wipe your hands and anus clean.
“Use the provided lube packet to coat the outside of the syringe, this will make insertion easier,” the flyer reads.
The tin, saline, syringe, lube and wipes are all provided in the kit.
“Lay on your side with your knees pulled up in a fetal position, or however is most comfortable. Insert the syringe into your rectum,” the flyer says, adding that the syringe need not go in all that far.
Once the user has just the tip in, they’re instructed to push the syringe plunger and “release your mixture” into the rectum.
Importantly, the guide advises to “let the syringe stay there for a minute so nothing leaks out.”
According to the flyer, boofing is an alternative way to use drugs if your usual injection sites are no longer viable or your lungs need a break from freebasing.
“If you are struggling to hit a vein, or would like to gives [sic] your lungs a break from smoking, boofing is a great option to do your drugs without using a needle or a pipe,” the city of Portland flyer says.
The taxpayer-funded boofing supply guide also gives aspiring boofers this tantalizing tip: “Compared to smoking or sniffing your drugs, boofing may hit harder or faster.”
Tuesday morning, the Maine Wire confirmed in-person that Portland is indeed still handing out free boofing kits.
After a brief wait, the Maine Wire asked for an received a full boofing kit from Portland’s harm reduction clinic, along with two free doses of narcan — the opioid overdose reversal drug — and some fentanyl testing strips.
“Boofing” sure doesn’t mean what I thought it used to mean!