UN WHO Vax Plot to Cause Global Sterility. A. Jones, J. Ventura, Dr Rima Laibow

UN WHO Vax Plot to Cause Global Sterility. A. Jones, J. Ventura, Dr Rima Laibow

UN WHO Vax Plot to Cause Global Sterility. A. Jones, J. Ventura, Dr Rima Laibow BANNED FROM TV AFTER FIRST VIEWING - Alex Jones and Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory Episode on UN/US Depopulation Plan so Damning, Obama and Congress DEMANDED it to be Deleted after a Single Viewing - World Health Organization Plan to Use a Bioweapon Vaccine to Cause Permanent Sterility Worldwide... - BREAKING BOMBSHELL! WHISTLEBLOWING DOCTOR EXPOSED GLOBALIST PLAN FOR UN DIRECTED DEPOPULATION … A leading Medical Doctor while treating multiple heads of state learned of UN Plan to release a virus as the trigger for depopulation through vaccines. - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES Mirrored From: https://beforeitsnews.com/agenda-21/2022/02/united-nations-1994-global-depopulation-agreement-by-160-countries-to-kill-off-7-billion-by-2030-rockefeller-calls-for-depopulation-dec-8-2008-genocide-in-their-own-words-3498.html ********* *** (This is a Must See Document) - UNITED NATIONS 1994 GENOCIDE CONVENTION IN CAIRO PLAN TO DEPOPULATE THE WORLD POPULATION BY 80% - THIS IS A REPORT BY LAROUCHE PAC - Genocide in Cairo: Conference Plans To Sterilize the World - Direct PDF Download: https://larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1994/eirv21n15-19940408/eirv21n15-19940408_014-genocide_in_cairo_conference_pla.pdf - Next September, in Cairo, Egypt, the United Natiolils World Population Confer­ ence, according to its biggest promoters, will demand that all nations stop the growth of their populations... * THIS IS ESSENTIALLY A TREATY OR PACT THAT WAS APPROVED BY EVERY UN MEMBER NATION - While China actually had a more Humane means to enact this policy through the China One Child Policy, Western Nation's knew Damn Well their Citizens would NEVER AGREE TO SOMETHING SO INSANE - So They Chose to Depopulate their Own Citizens through a Stealth Attack on their Health through Toxins in our Food, Water and Air, Deadly Pharmaceuticals, Vaccines, Sterilization and Abortions. Later followed by perpetual Chem Trail Operations. - ***Essentially, this is known as the SILENT WEAPONS FOR QUIET WAR TACTIC*** - According to the U.S. Federal Policy Adopted by their Commitment to the 1994 UN Genocide Convention - - The mRNA Vaccine Genocide would Not Only Be LEGAL, BUT LEGALLY REQUIRED - THAT IS WHY WARP SPEED WAS A MILITARY OPERATION - IT IS A WAR AGAINST THEIR OWN CITIZENS - BUT SOMEHOW, TRUMP DIDN'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ANY OF IT (CAN YOU SAY, BULLSH-T?) ***