NSA DEPOPULATION AGENDA. Bill Binney Exposes the NSA Total Population Control Plot

NSA DEPOPULATION AGENDA. Bill Binney Exposes the NSA Total Population Control Plot

NSA DEPOPULATION AGENDA. Bill Binney Exposes the NSA Total Population Control Plot - Whistleblower: NSA Goal Is 'Total Population Control' - 3,393,782 views • Premiered Apr 13, 2020 Bill Binney - The 700 Club Whistleblower Bill Biney: NSA Goal Is ‘Total Population Control’ The 700 Club William Binney worked for the National Security Agency as a code-breaker for more than 30 years. At a recent conference, he said their ultimate goal is total population control. - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES Mirrored From: https://beforeitsnews.com/agenda-21/2022/02/united-nations-1994-global-depopulation-agreement-by-160-countries-to-kill-off-7-billion-by-2030-rockefeller-calls-for-depopulation-dec-8-2008-genocide-in-their-own-words-3498.html ********* This is a MUST SEE: - DEBORAH TAVARES: UN / USA GLOBAL PACT FOR DEPOPULATION. WHY YOUR GOV. IS TRYING TO KILL YOU - https://rumble.com/v1ypix6-deborah-tavares-un-usa-global-pact-for-depopulation.-why-your-gov.-is-tryin.html ********** United Nations 1994 Global Depopulation Agreement by 160 Countries to Kill Off 7 Billion by 2030. Rockefeller Calls for Depopulation Dec 8, 2008. Genocide, in their Own Words - I Posted This Thursday, February 3, 2022 on Before It's News in my Previous Incarnation @OratorBlog - UN AGENDA 21 EARTH SUMMIT 1994 IN CAIRO EGYPT DEPOPULATION AGREEMENT - https://beforeitsnews.com/agenda-21/2022/02/united-nations-1994-global-depopulation-agreement-by-160-countries-to-kill-off-7-billion-by-2030-rockefeller-calls-for-depopulation-dec-8-2008-genocide-in-their-own-words-3498.html - (((If you search United Nations Genocide Convention in Egypt for global depopulation. You Will Not Find Anything. If you search with Yandex my post comes up number one at the top))) - It doesn't always translate everything from Russian, (In Most Cases it Does Automatically) And it provides a means to find Everything They Don't Want the People to See. Duckduckgo can go take a Flying FFFF))) - IN 1994 160 NATIONS AGREED TO REDUCE THE WORLD POPULATION TO 800 MILLION BY 2030 - 16 videos (2 Deleted by YouTube) and multiple articles linked... *** (This is a Must See Document) - UNITED NATIONS 1994 GENOCIDE CONVENTION IN CAIRO PLAN TO DEPOPULATE THE WORLD POPULATION BY 80% - THIS IS A REPORT BY LAROUCHE PAC - Genocide in Cairo: Conference Plans To Sterilize the World - Direct PDF Download: https://larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1994/eirv21n15-19940408/eirv21n15-19940408_014-genocide_in_cairo_conference_pla.pdf - Next September, in Cairo, Egypt, the United Natiolils World Population Confer­ ence, according to its biggest promoters, will demand that all nations stop the growth of their populations... * THIS IS ESSENTIALLY A TREATY OR PACT THAT WAS APPROVED BY EVERY UN MEMBER NATION - While China actually had a more Humane means to enact this policy through the China One Child Policy, Western Nation's knew Damn Well their Citizens would NEVER AGREE TO SOMETHING SO INSANE - So They Chose to Depopulate their Own Citizens throug