It a well known fact that people from ME countrys are of low IQ. Something to think about, your muslim and africian doctor/nurse cant even read.

Tens of thousands of ninth graders are challenged in reading comprehension: "Functional illiterates"
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Over the past decade, nearly 62,000 ninth graders have failed reading comprehension on the national test. This means that they do not understand what they are reading and now the consequences are being raised. At the same time, the percentage of failed students in Pisa is even higher.

The figures appear in a review of the Swedish National Agency for Education's statistics from 2014 onwards, carried out by the state television. On Friday, this year's exam results will be presented, and there are many indications that things are still just as bad.

According to Fredrik Sandström, junior high school teacher at Gäddgårdsskolan in Arboga and columnist at Amnesläraren, the national tests are actually too easy and hide a dark number of reading-disabled students. If you say that they pass school, it is a lie, he believes.

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In the latest Pisa survey, one in four ninth graders did not reach a basic level of reading comprehension. 25,000 students therefore leave school every year without being able to read properly - 200,000 since 2014.

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- The fact that we have 25 percent who emerge into adulthood and are basically functionally illiterate is a big problem, says Fredrik Sandström .

He believes that we have ended up in "some kind of Tiktokification of reading" where you only read short headlines and summaries while books and texts have been phased out.

Photo: Pixabay
Medical students get simpler books
According to a survey from 2020, half of upper secondary school students do not even read a coherent page of text a day at school.

Even at a higher level, it is in a bad position. Teachers at the universities testify that the students find it increasingly difficult to absorb text, something that has resulted, among other things, in the medical students at the Karolinska Institute's third semester receiving simpler textbooks .

Final grades plummet
At the end of the summer, Samnytt reported that this year there were 20,000 students who left the ninth grade without a high school qualification. Dominant in the group that fails are students with "socio-economically vulnerable" immigrant backgrounds.

In absolute terms, as many as 20,000 out of a cohort of just over 120,000 students left primary school without a qualification for further studies.

- It is worrying that the grade results in grade 9 are falling. More students must pass primary school, not fewer. Failing to pass primary school is a major risk factor for both unemployment and exclusion, points out Anna Castberg, head of department at the Swedish National Agency for Education in a press release.