Cops Set Up Camera To Catch School’s Shoe Thief… The Culprit Isn’t Who They Expected!
Students’ inside shoes went missing earlier this month in a kindergarten classroom in Koga City, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. Officials had fears about the shoes taken from a classroom shoe locker. Several shoes lay around the room, while others were missing, raising concerns that the shoe thief might target children. Law enforcement placed cameras as part of the investigation. They know the identity of the culprit, but no arrests will occur.
The audio and captioning is in Japanese, but the visual is self-explanatory.
After discovering that the shoe thief was a weasel, the police dropped their investigation. In the future, the school will put nets around the shoe lockers. They hope the nets will be enough to prevent the pesky pilferer from procuring more sneakers.
The shoe thief was active between November 6th and 11th. Now that the school knows the culprit, it hopes to thwart further thefts. The weasel stole 14 shoes, likely in use to line its nest. Now that they know it was only a weasel, faculty and parents are breathing easier.
The director of Gosho Kindergarten, Saito Keiei, shared his relief and expressed that he had initially had concerns that it was someone targeting children. Everyone is glad they discovered the wily weasel quickly.
Image from YouTube.
The weasel is accessing the classroom from the wall behind the shoe lockers. Experts suspect the animal may be a new mother using the shoes as nest lining. The shoes have not been located. Perhaps the shoes have landed in the same place as all our lost socks.
Although we can laugh now, knowing the shoe thief is a cute little weasel, we’re glad the parents and staff have much-needed peace of mind.
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You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.
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