Dawn Dish Soap | 12 Awesome Uses Which May Surprise You
I love sharing with our readers the many uses for various household items…anything from rubbing alcohol to aluminum foil to witch hazel . Finding uses for everyday items is a great way to save money and time. Dawn dish soap is yet another household item with multiple uses…some of which may surprise you!
Dawn Dish Soap | Awesome Uses You Should Know About
Let’s take a glance at 12 awesome uses for dawn dish soap that I’ll cover in today’s article:
Ant Deterrent
Flea Repellent
Houseplant Pest Deterrent
Remove Oil Stains From Your Driveway
Pretreat Oily Stains On Your Clothes
DIY Ice Pack
Unclog A Drain
Add Dawn As Part Of Your Manicure
Oily Skin Cleanser
Treatment For Poison Ivy
Remove Hair Product Buildup
Simple DIY Cleaner
Let’s get started!
1. Ant Deterrent
A mixture of regular blue dawn dish soap and water deters ants! Spray their paths of travel with this mixture and let dry. Ants hate dawn soap and will not cross any path that has been sprayed with this mixture! If you see a trail of traveling ants, go ahead and spray this mixture directly on them.
2. Flea Repellent
Flea treatments can be quite costly! This method is so effective and is my go to method for flea repellent for all my pets. The best part? It’s chemical free!
Shampooing your pet with regular blue dawn dish soap kills fleas on contact! Because this a chemical free method, you can safely wash them with dawn as often as you wish to keep fleas away.
3. Houseplant Pest Deterrent
This a 100% safe method to deter pests from your houseplants. All you have to do is add about 3 drops of dawn dish soap to a spray bottle and fill the rest of the bottle with water and shake well. Lightly spray your houseplants to deter pests such as mealy bugs, aphids, spider mites, and more!
4. Remove Oil Stains From Your Driveway
Regular blue dawn dish soap, cat litter, and a scrub broom are all you need to remove an oil stain from your driveway!
Directions: Sprinkle cat litter on the oil stain which will help absorb the oil. Let that sit for about 30-45 minutes. Next, add a mixture of dawn dish soap and water to the area. Using a scrub room, scrub the area and watch the oil stain disappear!
5. Pretreat Oily Stains On Your Clothes
Apply dish dawn soap to oil stains on your clothing and let sit for 30-60 minutes. Next, take a soft bristled toothbrush and gently scrub the stain and throw into the wash! Depending on the severity of the stain, it could take a couple of tries. Just remember to not throw the item into the dryer until the stain is gone. The heat of the dryer will set the stain if not removed before the drying process.
6. DIY Ice Pack
This is a great DIY ice pack! All you need to do is fill a large ziplock bag about halfway with dawn dish soap, seal, and freeze. The best part is it’s reusable!
7. Unclog A Drain
Before you call a plumber to unclog a drain, try this simple method first! In a 2 qt saucepan, boil water with 4 tablespoons of blue dawn dish soap. Remove from heat and carefully pour this mixture down the drain. This will help dissolve most clogs.
8. Add Dawn As Part Of Your Manicure
Next time you give yourself a manicure, soak your fingertips in blue dawn dish soap. This will soften your cuticles and remove any excess oil from your nails.
9. Oily Skin Cleanser
Do you have oily skin? About 2-3 times a week use blue dawn dish soap to cleanse your face which will help to remove any excess oil and help to dry out any acne you may have.
10. Treatment For Poison Ivy
This is a great remedy for poison ivy rashes! Wash the affected area with blue dawn dish soap several times a day. This will help dry out the tiny blisters in the rash and the healing time will be cut in half!
11. Remove Hair Product Buildup
Products that we use on our hair such as hairspray, gel, etc can cause product build up. Washing your hair once a week with blue dawn dish soap will help to remove any buildup and excess oils.
12. Simple DIY Cleaner
This DIY cleaner is so easy and effective! Fill an 8-ounce spray bottle with water and add 2 drops of dawn dish soap and shake well. This effective DIY cleaner is excellent for ceramic tile, vinyl flooring, kitchen and bathroom counters, baseboards, tubs, and toilet seats.
Here's One Good Thing by Jillee showing us a video on 28 ways to use dawn dish soap that will make your life easier:
Do you have a use for dawn dish soap that you would like to share? Share with us in the comment section below.
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