We need to protect all Australians from a coming dystopian future.
Please sign the petition below folks.
Please get involved.
And please remember that we are the last line of defence for Australian freedom.
After us there is no one else and there are no second chances!
Please share the petition as far and wide as you possibly can as well.
We need to protect all Australians from a coming dystopian future.
At the next sitting of the Senate I will move to repeal the Online Safety Amendment (Social Media Minimum Age) Bill 2024 colloquially known as the 'social media ban'.
Do your part, sign my petition.
I will submit this to the Senate along with my repeal bill.
It is important that I have as many signatures as possible, to display to my fellow Senators just how unhappy the Australian people are.
Click here - https://senatorbabet.com.au/repeal-the-social-media-ban/