
Comment on Can Cockatiels and Budgies Live Together in One Cage? Avian Facts & FAQ by Radim Chudej

In reply to Ashley. Hello Ashley, transitioning your pet’s diet especially after such a long time is always tricky as it is common for cockatiels to have fear of new things. Therefore, this needs to be done very carefully and slowly. Try to introduce different fruits and veggies to find out what your cockatiel likes and vice versa. Chopping the fruits and mixing them with seeds is also a great idea. This way you can gradually increase the fruit ratio and make this transfer as easy as possible for your cockatiel. However, before introducing new food to your pet’s diet, we recommend speaking to a vet to make sure your bird is getting the nutrition they need. You can book an online appointment with one of our veterinarians at http://www.PangoVet.com. They will be happy to consult your situation with you and give you some care tips.