CHANNELING JOE: Norah O’Donnell Works Gratuitous Beau Biden Reference into Veterans Day Report
In an odd report on President Joe Biden’s visit to Arlington National Cemetery, outgoing CBS Evening News anchor Norah O’Donnell channels Biden and inserts a weird Beau Biden reference that could’ve just as easily been lifted from one of those Joe Biden speeches.
Look at how O’Donnell closed out the newscast, and determine for yourself:
6:58 PM
NORAH O’DONNELL: In honor of Veterans Day, President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris saluted all Americans who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. ["Taps" playing]
O’DONNELL: The president and vice president took part in a wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery.
JOE BIDEN: This is the last time I will stand here at Arlington as Commander-in-Chief. It's been the greatest honor of my life to lead you, to serve you, to care for you, to defend you just as you defended us generation after generation after generation.
O’DONNELL: The president’s son Beau served in Iraq in the National Guard and later died from brain cancer. And to all of America’s veterans, thank you.
It is unclear why O’Donnell mentions the younger Biden in this manner, and during this particular report. A review of the full remarks indicates that Biden mentioned Beau on multiple occasions during his 12-minute speech. O’Donnell could’ve just aired the portions of the speech where Biden talks about Beau. But she didn’t.
So O’Donnell resorts to firefighting for the Biden administration. And, in the process, she reminds us
that all of Biden’s gaffes center around cities and/or dates.
Throughout these past four years, the media were equally uninterested in covering Biden’s various family scandals, or the IRS whistleblowers, or the concealment of Biden’s physical and cognitive decline. Instead, they firefought, as did this evening the outgoing anchor of the CBS Evening News.