10 Men Survive The Wild for $25,000 | BattlGames Episode 1
Welcome to the first-ever episode of BattlBox’s BattlGames! We have 10 contestants ready to give it all they’ve got, taking on some serious challenges for a shot at a $25,000 prize. It’s gonna be a heck of a ride, and y’all won’t wanna miss a second of it. So kick back, subscribe, and hit that bell – we’ll be here every week at 9 PM EST, bringing you all the action. Let the BattlGames begin, Yeehaw! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Partners: Business Connect Adventure Website: Facebook: Instagram: Fox Knives - @foxknives6579 MyMedic - @MyMedic Ballistic Dummy Lab - @ballisticdummylab Grayl - @Thegrayl Rockagator - @rockagatorllc1473 MTN OPS - @MtnOps PowerTac - @OfficialPowerTac Dango Products - @dangoproducts Simple Shot Slingshot - @simpleshot ReadyWise - @WiseCompany Uberleben -ÜCBERLEBENco Dark Energry - @darkenergysupport Vudoo Gun Works - @vudoogunworks Nine Line Apparel - @NinelineLineApparelinc SOG Knives - @SOGKnives