The Faithful Should Fear A Kamala Presidency
The ballots aren’t even counted, yet no amount of scripture citing or fake accents while playing preacher on the Sunday morning campaign stump can distract from what Kamala Harris has already promised — she’s no friend of the faithful.
Quite the contrary. In the final weeks of the campaign she’s reminding us, elect her and she’s coming for your religious liberty. Pastors and people in the pews, consider yourselves warned.
At a recent Wisconsin rally, Kamala told two students who shouted “Jesus is Lord” they were at the wrong rally, before having them escorted out. She was so pleased with herself as she cackled at her off-the-cuff remark, painfully ignorant that we live in a country where 68% of people still consider themselves Christian.
Nobody laughed but her, and a weekend damage control tour to black churches in Georgia quickly followed.
While her campaign has been short on details, in an interview with NBC’s Hallie Jackson she was crystal clear for possibly the first time, warning that she’ll handcuff religious freedom by denying religious exemptions for abortion. Thanks to her clarity we know doctors with deeply held convictions will be forced to perform the procedure even if it violates their faith and conscience.
None of this is new information. She has a long rap sheet of being hostile to people of faith and coming for religious freedom, dating back to her time as Attorney General of California.
As Senator, she challenged the nomination of Knights of Columbus (KOC) member Brian Buescher to the U.S. District Court for Nebraska because KOC adheres to traditional Catholic teaching. Apparently Catholicism is extreme.
She also supported the “Do No Harm Act,” which would have forced medical providers to perform abortions. Have a deeply held religious conviction? Too bad.
The Do No Harm Act would have done a lot of harm by also shutting the doors of charities like the “Little Sisters of the Poor” for refusing to violate their Catholic beliefs on issues like sexuality. Imagine telling nuns they can’t be Catholic with a bill that says you can’t discriminate.
It doesn’t end there. She pushed the FACE Act as California Attorney General, which would have forced pregnancy centers to make abortion referrals to women. By their very nature most pregnancy centers are faith-based and provide numerous resources and support to both the mom and the baby throughout the pregnancy, as well as afterward.
Doesn’t matter. This is from the party that pretends to care about women.
As Attorney General she also joined her counterparts to go after Hobby Lobby and other faith-based employers in an attempt to force them to include abortion pills as part of their health benefits. Harris also supported the Equality Act, which would have forced religious institutions to hire people at odds with their beliefs — read “gender ideology.”
But, you say, what about that 30-year-old Religious Freedom Restoration Act that keeps government out of the business of Americans’ religious rights — the one even then Sen. Joe Biden supported? Throw it in the trash. This “Equality Act” would have provided zero equality for any faith-based institution.
Imagine if she aimed her hostile warrior powers at the out of control crime in our country instead of our constitutionally protected religious freedom.
George Barna, director of research at Arizona Christian University’s Cultural Research Center, conducted recent surveys that found 49% of self-described people of faith likely won’t vote in the upcoming election. Interestingly, the study also found that roughly 5 million of the unlikely voters would reverse course if their pastor encouraged them to vote.
What? Politicking from the pulpit? Hardly. Nobody is suggesting we turn our altars into campaign rallies.
Our secular nation has hijacked Christian values, rebranded them as political and then declared them off limits in our churches, and many pastors have dutifully — and a little too eagerly — complied.
Today at the intersection of every major cultural issue driving political narratives lies the Bible, which had the first word on most of these hot button issues dating back more than 2,000 years. If your church doesn’t want to talk about culture and elections because they’re afraid to get political, ask them if they mind getting Biblical.
Another Barna study released last year found that out of the 68% of people in this country who identify as Christian, only 6% have a Biblical worldview. That’s a shocking number. How will people in our churches ever understand what the Bible says about our culture unless our pastors tell them.
Few pastors get this better than Pastor Gary Hamrick of Cornerstone Chapel, a church of more than six thousand in Leesburg, VA, just west of Washington, DC. He actively takes on cultural issues through a Biblical lens, often hosting those at his church fighting for righteousness in our culture including Riley Gaines, Charlie Kirk and Kirk Cameron.
Every four years he preaches an election sermon to encourage his congregation to vote Biblical values.
He’s not alone. Answering the question of how our country got to its current state, Pastor Rusty Guenther of First Baptist Church in Blowing Rock, NC, blamed the church’s willingness to accept that politics is off limits. In reality, the Bible has a lot to say about politics.
He’s right, it’s the world that’s turned politics into a four letter word within the walls of our churches. Open the Bible and you’ll see it addresses issues like biological sex, border security, the nation of Israel, religious liberty, parental rights, marriage and life.
Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer, Pastor Emeritus and former Senior Pastor of The Moody Church in Chicago agrees, saying “…If we’re going to be true to the scriptures, we have to talk about those issues which impinge on politics.”
Pastors have a responsibility to arm their congregations with a Biblical worldview on cultural issues. As Pastor Gary Hamrick said, “Good government cannot save us, but bad government can destroy us.”
We know that, if elected, Kamala is coming for our religious freedom. She’s done it before and she’s already promising she’ll do it again.
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Lauren DeBellis Appell, a former lobbyist and communications aide on Capitol Hill, is a writer based in Fairfax, Virginia. Follow her on Twitter@LDAppell.
The views expressed in this piece are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.