Homesteading Today | 300+ Ideas To Get You Started
Start homesteading today without wasting time, effort, and money by using these organization ideas homesteaders learned and used over the years.
300+ Valuable Organization Ideas You Need For Homesteading Today
Long before we started our homesteading journey, we already knew we wanted to begin homesteading. Lifestyle is of significance to us, and we wanted the independence homesteading brought. However, we are also aware that homesteading success does not only mean being able to grow and produce your own food, there are also other valuable skills necessary to make your homestead work. To help you with your homesteading today, I've compiled the organization ideas and hacks that are tried and tested here in my homestead. Get some inspiration and have fun!
1. Build A Log Cabin
One way or another, the first thing you'll consider when getting started with homesteading is your own shelter. You can either hire a professional team or build it with your own hands. We built our log cabin by hand as we were very excited to get started living in total independence and having the capacity to do things our way. We've enjoyed it very much. Don't think that you can't do it because building a log cabin by hand is easier than you think. All you need is some dedication, proper plan, right supplies and a little know-how. Pretty much doable right?
2. DIY Shed
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A shed plays a great role in any farm. Whether you have a big farm or small garden, you'll need an extra space to store things up. You'll find it very practical if you can build your own DIY shed as you can customize it to suit your needs. This is one of many great organization ideas!
3. Secure Water For Your Homestead
We all know the importance of water for every living creature. If you want your homestead to thrive you need to secure your water resources. Check out your location first and from that, you can learn the process on how you can secure water for your homestead. You can also, build rain barrel as rain water are very much helpful to plants.
4. Weekly Cleaning Schedule
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Following a schedule is sometimes an issue, but if you make it a habit your life become more manageable and you'll accomplish lots of things in one day. Follow a weekly cleaning schedule and you'll see how it will work wonders in your homestead.
5. Keep A Journal For Gifts And Holidays
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I love holidays and the gift giving that comes with it. The trouble is I sometimes forget who gets what and when? Well, of course, who wants to receive the same thing over and over again? To save myself from embarrassment, stress, and money I'm keeping a journal that keeps track on all this gift giving activity I have. You should get started having your own gift journal, I'm sure you'll be glad you did it.
Want more #CookingHacks to make your #HappyHomesteading life easier? Click this link >>
— Homesteading (@HomesteadingUSA) April 20, 2017
6. 15 Ways To Make Money On Homestead
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If your homestead provides everything you need, then that's great. However, there's no harm done if you can earn some extra cash in your homestead. You can sell some of the things that you no longer need or use in your homestead. As there are many people around whose willing to pay to get old items commonly found on a farm.
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Make use of the beauty of your homestead, as it can be rented out to a photographer.
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Your livestock can also help you earn some extra cash, breeding is one old and solid way of doing such.
7. 63 Things To Never Throw Away
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Every homesteader knows the importance of recycling and there are tons of items that we easily throw away not knowing it can still be put to good use. Just like wine corks, little as it may be but there are lots of crafts that you can use it with. You've better stop throwing and start collecting.
Empty wine or beer bottles offer a great opportunity to create new things whether it be for home decor or a useful item for your homestead kitchen.
This little thing can give you and your child something to play with while you help them develop their creativity. Toilet paper rolls is a perfect crafting as it come free and lots of fun things can be done with it.
8. 5 Ways to Spruce Up the Homestead
For homestead living having that curb appeal is also important, it provides your homestead a glow that will have you beaming for years to come.
A kitchen is a popular room in every home, updated an old-fashioned design, add an island to enhance kitchen's functionality, or simply upgrade it to suit the need of the family.
9. 14 Mudroom Ideas Featuring Sustainable Materials
image via homebunch
The mudroom is a hard-working corner of you home, so it requires sturdy materials that won’t break your bank. Some salvaged wood or a hardwood is a good choice considering that it is a dependable and sturdy material perfect for high traffic areas.
Get organized! Create a cubby or space for everything from boots to backpacks by maximizing every inch in the mudroom.
If you have space, consider expanding your laundry area into a mudroom, or vice versa. Doing so is an effective and functional solution.
10. 15 Ingenious Garage Organization
image via marthastewart
Create a peg rail organizer and keep your essentials off the floor. Have it at different levels to have enough room for longer items and then smaller items closer to the floor. It will make your garage look much tidier and pegs are inexpensive so hang as many as you need. Another one of many great organization ideas!
Another great way of repurposing mason jars! Screw the lids at the bottom of a shelf in the garage and use it to store screws, nails, bolts and many other small items.
image via diydesignfanatic
Storing your things practically and efficiently saves you both time and money. Well-implemented DIY projects will help you achieve a space where you can store all unused stuff and things that you want to be out of sight from your children.
11. 12 Food Storage Ideas
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Vacuum sealing your food will help store it minus the bulk of bins, jars or boxes; it’s also a great way to make your food last longer.
image via phenomenalphoods
Canning allows food to last for months, even years. Store your cans in harder to reach places like the back of the cabinet or underneath the house. You won’t have to worry about food spoiling, and you can go get it when you do end up needing it.
image via prepared-housewives
There is no wrong place to hide food when you have a small house. If you have any space under the bed you better be using it!
12. 15 Ways To Keep Your Farm Fresh Veggies Through Changing Seasons
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Check your veggies and identify which ones are the most perishable and use those first and save the harder stuff for later use. This seems like an obvious and logical choice, but often we use our veggies without planning ahead for future meals.
image via rememberwren
Place your refrigerator in a location with enough air space to allow it to operate properly. Your instruction booklet will show details for the clearances required. Keep your refrigeration away from very hot places such as next to an oven, or clothes dryer.
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Defrost regularly! It is a very good idea to thoroughly clean your fridge out several times a year. I know it seems odd, and this is activity may not be fun and enjoyable, but it sure is beneficial! This is must if you really want your food to last longer. A clean fridge equals fresh veggies, it’s worth it!
The #ModernHomesteader‘s guide to modern #homesteading skills
— Homesteading (@HomesteadingUSA) April 20, 2017
13. 34 Must Have Tools for Homesteaders
A Good Knife: A knife is the #1 tool anyone should have. A sharp blade comes in handy for many occasions, cutting, slicing, dicing, stabbing, shaving, piercing, dividing, distressing, etc.
One nice ax is all you need. Ideal for chopping firewood, a homestead must.
Hammers are a necessary instrument for assembling and hanging. The hammer makes the building possible.
14. 16 Garden Markers For Your Garden
image via julieblanner
Put painted letters in your pot and kept as a plant marker. Creating them is so much fun and the finished product makes your garden so beautiful!
image via instructables
Repurpose wine bottle caps into beautiful garden stakes. Cut them with a cutter and flatten them with a hammer. Make 2 holes in the center and then insert a pipe or stick for support.
image via auntpeaches
Aluminum Duct Tape Garden Markers: Write the name of the vegetable, flower, shrub, or herb on the backside of an aluminum duct tape. To make it more special, go for embossed effect. Attach it to a plastic stick and enjoy how nice they look!
15. 23 Must-Have Gardening Tools
Trowels And Soil Scoops: Trowels and soil scoops are perfect for transplanting and digging small holes to plant seedlings or seeds.
In keeping up with your garden’s growth, you’ll need the help of this little garden tool. It helps loosen the soil around your plants to let air and moisture through.
Used for generations by gardeners, this reliable watering garden tool is one you can’t do without in your garden. The sprout, with its many holes, allows water to be released from the can like rain. This helps avoid garden soil run-offs.
16. 50 Gardening Tips And Tricks To Become A Successful Homesteader
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Testing your garden soil will allow you to find out what components should be added in order to have the perfect soil for your plant.
Once you're done testing your garden soil, it is important for you to develop it and find out which necessary components should be added to ensure a successful garden.
A beginner gardener or a budding green thumb can grow food organically whole year round, a raised garden bed is the perfect way to do so. It’s the fastest process to have a deep layer of fertile soil.
17. 15 Gardening Ideas On a Budget
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Seedlings cost a lot than seeds. You're probably aware of that by now but if you're not, just try to compare. You’ll save money when you start growing your garden from seeds.
You don’t always have to start with seeds when it comes to growing vegetables! In fact, quite a few of them can grow again on their own – all you need is the stalk!
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These tiny sprouts are suited for beginners and expert gardeners alike. They’re often found on the top shelf of grocery stores and seen as a delicacy in fine-dining restaurants, but the truth is that they’re exceptionally easy to grow and so easy to add to any dish!
18. 22 Gardening Tips To Earn Your Most Fruitful Yield Yet
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Part of gardening is trying to squeeze the most out of the conditions Mother Nature gives you. It’s about a deeper understanding of what makes plants and fruit thrive, and using that understanding to make up for conditions that are less than ideal.
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Knowing and understanding the hardiness zones where you live in can make a big difference in the success and failure of your garden. Planting flowers, vegetables and other plants that are suitable for your US growing zone will help you have a happy and healthy garden year after year.
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Organic fertilizers are safer and more beneficial than chemical based fertilizers. Especially if you are to use animal manure since that provides all the nutrients necessary for your plant’s growth and it helps improve soil structure, texture, and fertility.
19. 14 Pallet Projects For Your Garden
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Create your own pallet compost bin to make sure your garden is healthy by having a constant supply of compost. It’s a great compost bin, not just because of the way the pallets create a structure to the pile, but it also allows proper ventilation.
This is a great woodworking project for beginners and experts alike. A raised flower bed will make a great addition to any garden. It’s the perfect solution to a spot in your garden where you find the hardest to grow plants.
With the flowers coming to bloom, it seems that I needed some new planter boxes too. So if you’re looking for some DIY planter ideas, here are some pallet planters you can work on for your flowers and herb garden!
20. Raising Ducks For Your Homestead
If you enjoy gardening and free eggs but absolutely hate stray bugs, ducks would make a perfect addition to your homestead flock. You'll see, you'll find more fun in raising ducks for you homestead than you could ever imagine.
21. The Best Egg Laying Chickens For Your Homestead
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Chickens lay eggs all year round – with a highly productive hen, you’re looking at 200 or more eggs per year. If you want continuous egg supply for your homestead, you got to have the best egg laying eggs.
22. How To Build A Backyard Chicken Coop
Building your own backyard chicken coop shouldn’t be a mundane task. We’ve made it easy for you by breaking it down into 10 easy steps to follow so you can build a chicken coop fit for your flock.
23. Build Chicken Nesting Boxes From Recycled Scrap Materials
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You are better off giving the hens a dry comfortable spot in which to lay eggs where you can find them, and you don’t have to spend a fortune to do it. You’ll love and enjoy this simple DIY project; perfect for your next DIY weekend!
24. Setting Up A Chicken Brooder
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Young birds, which have not yet feathered – those under around 6-8 weeks, depending on the breed – will need to be housed in a secure, warm area, with access to food and water 24/7. Building your own chicken brooder is easier and a lot cheaper than you might think.
25. 5 Ways To Protect Your Chickens from Fowl Play
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The best bet is to protect your chickens from all of the possible predators and understanding the various ways that they can infiltrate your coop.
image via cherryacresanimalhousing
In order to keep these predators from invading, you’ll need to build or renovate your chicken coop to prevent entry. Make sure to build the coop raised from the ground to deter dangerous animals from making a den underneath it.
image via mykidlist
They say a good defense is the best offense. This is why it is important to have the appropriate fence as a barrier between your chickens and the predators on the other side. Remember that chicken wire is not meant to keep predators out, but to keep chickens in.
26. 10 Easy To Build Chicken Watering Stations
image via citygirlchickens
Homemade Chicken Waterer For Less Than $2 Wow! If you’re just getting started and short of cash in the meantime. This homemade chicken watering station is your perfect solution.
A simple and affordable DIY project! You’ll need only a PVC Y fitting, PVC cap, 1-liter plastic soda bottle, nail, hammer, and hand drill.
image via naturalchickenkeeping
If you’re not a fan of plastic, this DIY glass chicken watering station is a treat for you and your flock.
27. How To Trim Hooves of Goats And Sheep
Every homesteader who has or lives on a farm should know how to care for their farm animals. Basic animal care is important since these are your livestock, so add trimming goat's and sheep's hooves to your homesteading skill today!
28. How to Milk A Goat On The Farm
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Knowing how to milk a goat is a must-know homesteading skill if you raise your own backyard goats. That simply means a fresh cup of milk will only be a few steps away.
29. Goat Ear Tags
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Goat ear tagging is a simple task that makes goat keeping more easier. It provides an easy way to identify your own goat. If you have not been doing this, I will suggest you do it now!
30. Homemade Farm Feed
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I prefer to know what exactly my animals are eating, so I making my own homemade farm feed. If you want to get started making your own homemade farm feed, I'll assure you it will help you in a long run.
Want to find out the realities of homesteading? Check out this video from our favorite YouTuber's OFF GRID with DOUG and STACY:
There’s a side of homesteading that means that you’re always looking forward to tomorrow: all the work inside and outside the homestead that needs to be done requires timing, proper techniques, patience, etc, but it's all in you. And these 300+ organization ideas for homesteading today is just actually a few of too many other skills and knowledge that you will learn and acquire in the process, but never, ever forget to enjoy what's in store today! Happy Homesteading!
Did you find these homesteading today ideas helpful and interesting? Let us know in the comments section below!
Want more homesteading skills to get started of your homesteading today? Check out Top 15 Modern Homesteading Skills You Need To Know!