The FDA approval process for new food ingredients will make you NAUSEOUS

The FDA approval process for new food ingredients will make you NAUSEOUS

By now, most people have awakened to the reality that a huge percentage of the food sold in America is poisoning us. From artificial flavors and dyes to preservatives and additives, the food we’re consuming is likely responsible for an overwhelming number of the chronic health issues Americans face. Many of the ingredients we find in everyday foods sold in the United States have been strictly banned in other countries. Why then has our FDA not banned the ingredients that have been proven to be toxic to humans? That’s the question Glenn Beck answered in his special, "Make America Healthy Again: The Chemicals Poisoning Your Food EXPOSED!” In the short clip above, Glenn gives a fictional scenario to demonstrate what occurs at the pinnacle of our food industry: “Let's say I'm a food company. I'm running Beck Foods, and I want to make some little, yellow, yummy breakfast loops, and I want it neon yellow because it'll make the kids scream to their parents, ‘I want that!’ when they pass it in the grocery store.” “I’m going to need some food dye. Well that’s gonna need FDA approval on every single batch. Now luckily here at Beck Foods, I’m pretty close to the FDA. ... You see, I pay the FDA’s salaries through something called user fees.” “I do that so they can regulate the dye that I want in my cereal. Now you'll say, ‘Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. You're paying the manufacturer. ... You're paying the watch dogs to watch you?”’ “Yeah, that’s the way it works,” says Glenn. What the majority of Americans don’t know is that “food manufacturers pay about 46% of the FDA budget.” What’s even more disturbing is the other major player in the game — “Big Pharma, who [also] funds the 6,500 jobs at the FDA.” Further, when a food company needs FDA approval for a new ingredient, the FDA plays no role in the actual testing of that ingredient. Rather, the food companies themselves are responsible for proving that an ingredient is safe, and who they hire to conduct the experiment is entirely up to them. “So the burden of proof to determine whether or not their food is dangerous is actually the guy trying to turn his product into profit not the government organization whose job it is to keep us safe,” scoffs Glenn. Granted that’s the way the process works, these food companies go to their “clown scientist who says, ‘It’s Gr-r-reat!”’ Then they pay “a bunch of money to the FDA so they can read [the report] from the clown and then rubber stamp it.” This is the process for every single batch of food a company produces. “This is how you get to potential chemical poisoning of Americans,” sighs Glenn, noting that the entire process of ingredient approval is based on “bribery.” To hear more about the “lucrative relationship” between the food production industry, the FDA, and Big Pharma and why these agencies hate Donald Trump specifically, watch the clip above. Want more from Glenn Beck?To enjoy more of Glenn’s masterful storytelling, thought-provoking analysis, and uncanny ability to make sense of the chaos, subscribe to BlazeTV — the largest multi-platform network of voices who love America, defend the Constitution, and live the American dream.