‘Joy’ is dead: Democrats turn to fear and hatred in campaign’s final days
In the final days of the 2024 election, Democrats made a sharp pivot, abandoning Kamala Harris’ “Campaign of Joy” to embrace a theme of fear and hate.Kamala’s brief joy campaign aimed to achieve two goals. First, it sought to deflect attention from her actual policies, positions, and beliefs — which lean radically left and are unappealing to most Americans.If Trump is Hitler, then we are Nazis — and should be treated as such.Second, it attempted to emphasize Harris’ identity as a black woman. The campaign drew from the “Black Joy” movement created by civil rights activists to promote “a joy that no white man can steal.”Neither tactic worked.Out of desperation, Harris abandoned her basement strategy and began appearing in scripted performances on select media outlets. The results have been poor. CBS sparked scandal when partisan staff on “60 Minutes” deceptively edited one of her incoherent answers. Even with friendly interviewers tossing softball questions, she stumbled badly. Her lone attempt at a legitimate interview, on Fox News, was so embarrassing that her panicked handlers shut it down.Facing an unprecedented rise in black voter support for President Trump, Democrats called Barack Obama off the bench. Observing that “energy and turnout” in black neighborhoods for Harris was much lower than it was when he ran for president, Obama noted that the problem “seems to be more pronounced with the brothers.” He attempted to shame black men into switching their votes, but his condescending, scolding tone backfired.Time for Plan B.Hitler all the timeThe Harris-Walz campaign has abandoned “joyful Kamala” and shifted to a closing theme of “Trump is Hitler.” For nearly a decade, the left has labeled Donald Trump a racist and a dictator, but this new tactic takes the demonization to dangerous heights.Trump has already survived two assassination attempts, so branding him with the Hitler label effectively invites another deranged individual to act on this narrative.Even for godless elites, inciting the assassination of a presidential candidate seems extreme. So, what’s the motivation? The reality is that Democrats know they’ve lost. Unable to defeat Trump, they want him dead.The “Trump is Hitler” strategy serves two additional purposes.First, it signals the entire leftist establishment — from its ruling elite, Democratic Party officeholders, supporters, Deep State bureaucrats, and legacy media down to its Antifa and Black Lives Matter stormtroopers — that a Trump election win will not stand.Forget constitutional procedure. Democrats have convinced themselves they’re “stopping Hitler” from becoming president, so they believe the rules don’t apply. Like the George Floyd riots of 2020, their mobs will take to the streets to replace the rule of law with chaos.Second, as those on the left have made clear, Donald Trump isn’t the only target — they’re after his supporters too. And just as they’ve done with Trump, they rationalize violence against those who support him.Democrats and the media even equated Trump’s Madison Square Garden election rally over the weekend with a 1939 German American Bund Nazi rally. Hillary Clinton made this offensive comparison, claiming, “One thing that you’ll see next week ... is Trump actually re-enacting the Madison Square Garden rally in 1939. ... President Franklin Roosevelt was appalled that neo-Nazis — fascists in America, were lining up to essentially pledge their support for the kind of government that they were seeing in Germany.”In case you missed it, Hillary was talking about us.MSNBC, in a disgusting display of its role as propaganda arm for the Democratic Party, spliced video footage of the 1939 Nazi rally into its coverage of the Trump event.Leftist elites make it clear how they view Trump voters. If Trump is Hitler, then we are Nazis — and should be treated as such.Take out the ‘garbage’Joe Biden is even more direct, calling Trump’s supporters “garbage” on Tuesday. The implication is unmistakable: What do we do with garbage? We shred it. We burn it. We bury it. In short, we dispose of it.Following Trump’s victory, but before the certification of results, expect an eruption of politically targeted, racially motivated violence against roughly half the country. Trump supporters and the MAGA movement have been vilified and dehumanized, conditioning Democrats to tolerate violence against us.When the mob descends, it will have strong moral support. Seventy-three percent of Democrats believe that “tens of millions of dangerous MAGA Republicans” are “backing violence and trying to overthrow the Constitution.”The mob will also find plenty of active support.The 10 million illegal aliens allowed into the country under Harris and Biden have a vested interest in blocking another Trump presidency. Seeing it as a choice between deportation and amnesty, many will join the chaos.But once the riots begin, who will stop them?Democratic politicians at all levels will have little interest in maintaining law and order. In 2020, they allowed chaos to reign, effectively undermining the Trump administration. This time, the incentive to support anarchy will be even stronger.In Democrat-run cities, the police response will likely mirror, if not worsen, the response during the George Floyd riots. The situation will be even more dire in jurisdictions with George Soros-backed state attorneys.Democratic governors may also obstruct the National Guard. For instance, in Minnesota during 2020, Gov. Tim Walz, a Black Lives Matter ally, allowed Minneapolis to burn for four days before mobilizing the guard.It will fall to American patriots to counter the chaos and support law enforcement wherever possible. Saving America will require millions to take to the streets, peacefully and patriotically making their voices heard to protect our country.