Lawyer reveals humorous list of 'revenge' ideas that are delightfully wicked

Lawyer reveals humorous list of 'revenge' ideas that are delightfully wicked

Working in the corporate world can be a bit of a drag when it comes to office politics and gossip all while you're trying to climb the corporate ladder. Sometimes sending a professional clapback email just doesn't have the same level of satisfaction as getting revenge for whatever infraction drove you to the brink of quitting on the spot.But let's be realistic, in this economy even if you wanted to walk out it's not financially feasible so getting revenge isn't a wise option for the same reason walking out isn't. That's where a Los Angeles based lawyer who goes by the username whattheish comes in. She shares revenge ideas that won't get you arrested...probably. After some feedback from people in the corporate world hoping for a little less obvious revenge, she delivers a few options that seem hilariously genius–if that's your thing. If it's not your thing, rest assured that these ideas are more like silly pranks than actual revenge and while she advises against trying it, you may still find it fun to imagine. The lawyer starts off with a legal disclaimer, "Before we get started I have to say that this is not legal advice and I strongly recommend against you doing any of the things I'm about to tell you."She shares that these are ideas for those "corporate Barbies" that don't want to get into trouble in the office making the entire thing kind of like stealth revenge. people sitting on chair Photo by Redd F on Unsplash "And because Mama Ish loves you and I am always in your corner, I've cooked up an alternative revenge idea. This one short, sweet, simple, to the point, which we love," the woman says before listing a website where people can purchase never ending greeting cards for all occasions. The greeting card in question quietly makes inappropriate noises then slowly gets louder lasting for several hours without anyway to turn it off except to rip it up. But when they rip the card open glitter spills everywhere. In another video for "legal" revenge ideas, the woman shares a strategy that won't embarrass your coworkers or whoever is on the receiving end, but it will annoy them. April Fools Prank GIF by America's Funniest Home Videos Giphy "That's right we're talking health insurance quotes and car insurance quotes. I love this idea because all you need is your victims name and phone number so you can use this for a remote coworker, an ex, soon to be ex, mother-in-law, father-in-law, any relative, old boss. If you have their name and phone number you're good to go," she says before listing various insurance companies but carefully pointing out not to do this to because it might be fraud against the federal government.The woman says the insurance companies will continuously call the person for weeks on end multiple times a day trying to convince you to use their insurance company. Admittedly, the lawyer has fallen victim to this herself and is still getting phone calls. @whattheish Revenge Ideas From A Lawyer That Won’t Get You Arrested… Probably #revenge #petty #thisisnotlegaladvice #justjokesfolks #breakups #breakupadvice #breakuptiktok #dating #datingadvice #relationships #relationshiptiktok #probably If neither of those ideas suit your flavor of reasonably harmless revenge, no worries, the lawyer has an entire video series dedicated to legal-ish revenge ideas. In another post she starts by speaking directly to those that are specifically looking for more corporate safe anonymous revenge."Do you hate your boss? Do you hate your coworkers? Do you wish you could drive them insane every moment of the day, every day until they lose their minds? Then boy do I have an idea for you. It is simple. It is sweet. It is to the point and best of all it requires minimal effort from you. We're talking the annoy-a-tron," she reveals. @whattheish Revenge Ideas From A Lawyer That Won’t Get You Arrested… Probably #revenge #petty #thisisnotlegaladvice #justjokesfolks #corporate #corporatelife #corporatetiktok #amazonfinds #datingadvice The annoy-a-tron is a small device you can purchase online and tape in a space where it's undetectable. But what does this little gadget do? It annoys the people within earshot who cannot find the location of whatever sound preset to go off. The device makes noises from a chirp to a scream which can be set to go off at different intervals. Someone tried this prank saying, "I did this to my manager after he encouraged pranks when we returned to the office. Which I hated. I put it up inside his cubicle walls & it took them 3 days to find it after dismantling the cubical."Some people include their own stories of pranks like one person that shares, "so someone use to leave an egg on our bosses desk every day for a year. Then stopped. Our boss ripped his office apart screaming "where is the egg." Scared April Fools GIF Giphy Another person writes, "My absolute favorite one I've ever heard is signing prenup papers with disappearing ink."Someone else got even more creative than a never ending greeting card, "I got revenge on my ex by sending him a single slice of Kraft cheese every day for two months in an unmarked envelope every day, without a note or return address. it sounds silly but it's the kind of stuff they can't stop thinking about, like where and why am I getting 1 slice of cheese from, and like if [he] called the cops what is he going to say someone is sending me cheese in the mail?"Of course, these ideas may just be fun to think about to get you through a long week at work, they're not suggestions to try and the lawyer suggesting them only says you probably won't be arrested.