Providence saved Trump — now voters must save the country

Providence saved Trump — now voters must save the country

On July 13 in Butler, Pennsylvania, Donald Trump glanced at a screen displaying immigration statistics as he addressed a massive crowd of supporters. A moment later, on his knees, blood streaming down his face, he struggled to his feet and reassured his supporters that he would continue the fight. With one turn of his head, our world could have changed dramatically.I do not know what would have happened in the timeline where an assassin splattered Trump’s brain live on camera. What kind of conflict and chaos could have erupted if the liberal media and ghoulish Democrats had gotten their deepest wish? I do not want to know. What I do know is that providence spared both Donald Trump and our beloved country that day, and now the moment of truth has come.Even if Trump does secure the necessary votes, the battle will be far from over.It is no secret that I am not a huge fan of what our republic has become. Mass democracy was never what the founding fathers wanted for this country, and I am more tired than most of hearing that “this is the most important election of our lifetime.” But with the weaponization of our justice system, the open attempt to take the opposing candidate off the ballot by any means necessary, and the flagrant effort to import a foreign voting base to dominate all future elections, it is hard not to see this moment as pivotal.The Biden-Harris administration has normalized censorship, jailed political opponents, and made thinly veiled calls for violence. Another four years of open borders will permanently shift the electoral balance in favor of the Democratic Party, eroding our shared culture and way of life. If the left can imprison opponents and bring in a new voting base, we might still technically have elections — much like Saddam Hussein’s elections — but they would no longer influence governance. America would become a one-party state.Despite an initial burst of astroturfed internet buzz, Kamala Harris has revealed herself to be the cynical, inept, and unlikeable DEI disaster every honest Democrat knew she was.Harris was installed without winning a single primary, and the initial plan was to hide her from the public and hope that hatred for Trump would push her over the finish line. The campaign did its best to manage her exposure, but eventually Harris was required to begrudgingly make media appearances, in which she managed to embarrass herself despite having friendly interviewers and generous editing.Trump and his running mate, JD Vance, took exactly the opposite approach. Both participated in lengthy interviews, often with hostile interlocutors, and performed admirably. A savvy embrace of new media and influential podcasters exposed younger male voters to Trump and Vance, energizing a critical demographic. Joe Rogan, probably the most culturally relevant talk show host since Oprah Winfrey, even put aside his previous support for Bernie Sanders to endorse the real estate tycoon. It’s clear that the momentum is on Trump’s side.It is likely that we may not see a formal election result Tuesday night. The media has been preparing voters for a long counting process, and many state officials have echoed this refrain. For most of my life, one-night election results were the norm, and with the odd exception of the 2000 presidential election, everyone assumed this was the basic standard in an orderly First World country. The fact that the Democratic Party has succeeded in extending and obfuscating the election process should tell you everything about how far “our democracy” has fallen.Even if Trump does secure the necessary votes, the battle will be far from over. Several Democrats have already announced their intention to reject certification even if Trump secures a legitimate victory, and you can be sure that leftist groups are already planning violence if he returns to office.If Trump does become the 47th president, he will still face an uphill battle against a malicious media, hostile deep state, and corrupt Republican Party. A Trump victory is not a panacea, and conservatives will need to do the hard work of holding him to his promises while building local and state power.But none of these challenges matter if Harris is installed to carry out the disastrous leftist agenda. So on Election Day, remember that you witnessed a miracle and fight for the future of your country. May God forever bless our country, bringing us to repentance and guiding us to a better future.