Did You Deck The Halls Early? Here’s What That Says About You, According To An Expert
One of the most controversial topics today is when to put up your Christmas decorations. Are you the kind who puts them up the second November 1 hits? Or are you more inclined to have a turkey dinner first and decorate post-Thanksgiving? The people who like to put up their Christmas decorations early might, in fact, be happier. Science says so, and who are we to argue? The scientific correlation between Christmas and happiness makes a lot of sense. Good Morning America spoke to Amy Morin, a psychotherapist and author of 13 Things Mentally Strong People Do, and she said when we documented, “Thinking of those happy memories stirs up happy feelings.”
Christmas Decorations Remind Many People Of Their Childhoods
A core memory for many is the rush to run to the tree on Christmas morning. When we put up our decorations, we’re back in that kind of moment.
“When you’re putting up decorations, you’re thinking of happier times, times with family and friends and family traditions you engaged in,” Amy told GMA. “For some people, it’s bittersweet — if family members are no longer here — but it’s still a way to connect.”
It’s not just what happens to us when we put up our Christmas decorations; it can have a positive effect on those around us, too.
“[Decorations] can lead to more positive conversations and they’re an easy way to strike up a conversation,” Amy said. “It helps build a sense of community and belonging and all those things are associated with happiness too.”
If decorating your home and putting up Christmas decorations early brings you joy, then deck your halls as soon as you can. If you want to wait until Thanksgiving is over, that’s fine, too. Your family traditions are your own, just remember, don’t be a Grinch.
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