Student Proposes Canceling Final Exam — So Professor Responds With A Challenge

Student Proposes Canceling Final Exam — So Professor Responds With A Challenge

For many people in the United States, it’s just about that time of year. Yes, there are the holidays to celebrate. But amidst all of the holiday cheer, there are also lots of final assignments due as the school semester comes to a close. More often than not, this includes final exams… but does that always have to be the case? Someone named Linda G on social media is challenging her professor on that. I know what you’re probably thinking: There is no way for a student to get a professor to cancel an exam. Lucky for Linda, who is taking a marketing class, she chose the right professor to challenge. But how did she do it? By utilizing what they’ve been taught in class. Check out the email Linda sent in the screenshot below. TikTok While it would be nice for Linda’s professor to simply cancel the exam with nothing in return, it only makes sense that she’d offer some sort of alternative. In this case, Linda asks that the exam be canceled if a photo of this adorable dog (presumably her own) reaches a certain number of likes. The exact number, however, is up for her professor to choose. This may seem like an unlikely deal, but much to Linda’s surprise, her professor agreed! With some caveats, of course… Marketing Professor Agrees to a Clever Final Exam Challenge TikTok First of all, he decided that the image must reach 15,000 followers rather than a certain number of likes. Most challenging, however, he said that Apple must leave a comment, too. According to this professor, the odds of this happening are very low. But that isn’t going to stop Linda, or the thousands of folks who have seen her post, from trying! After all, the professor didn’t specify what he meant by “from Apple” in his email… “I work for Apple, does this count?” someone asks in the comments, with another adding, “I have an apple orchard, are we gathering enough apples posts yet???” You can find the source of this story’s featured image here! The post Student Proposes Canceling Final Exam — So Professor Responds With A Challenge appeared first on InspireMore.