Be Kind, Rewind! Blockbuster Video by Todd Friedman
Blockbuster Video has a very special place in my heart. Not just because I rented during the best era of video games, but also because it’s where I first met my wife. She was looking for a movie for the night, and I was looking for Donkey Kong for the Nintendo 64. I was amazed at how my local Blockbuster was low on most Nintendo games. Everything was rented out all the time. Little did I know I was shopping at the peak of Blockbuster Video; it was on top of the world in 1999. Of course, all things come to an end, and most Blockbuster stores were closed for good by January 2018.
Blockbuster’s website listed nine remaining franchise-owned stores in the United States including six in Alaska, two in Oregon, and one in Texas. Eight of those nine had closed by August 2018, leaving only one store left in the United States in Bend, Oregon, which has become a tourist destination, preserving the brand and serving as a reminder of the rapid changes in the entertainment landscape.
When that store was open, it…..
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