HILARIOUS: The New York Times “Fact-Checks” The Babylon Bee — “Do you have actual evidence Satan is working with Democrats?”
I’m still laughing as I type this, so I hope there aren’t too many typos but I still have tears in my eyes!
The New York Times has allegedly Fact-Checked the Babylon Bee, and for those who don’t know that is a comedic, satire publication.
Seth Dillon is the owner of The Babylon Bee and he just posted this:
The New York Times has reached out to The Babylon Bee for comment on our election misinformation. pic.twitter.com/STzslDtKHx
— Seth Dillon (@SethDillon) October 29, 2024
Zoomed in view:
Now I have to say right off the bat I don’t know if Seth is being serious about this or if this post itself is satire, but isn’t that kind of the point?
When the “MSM” and “Fact-Checkers” have gone so far off the deep end that we can no longer tell what is real and what is obvious, absurd, over-the-top satire, then we might just have a problem!
And that’s exactly what we have here.
So either way, whether it’s real or not, I am dying on the floor laughing at these questions asked by the so-called “Fact-Checkers”.
Here’s my favorite one:
I just picture Tucker Carlson reading that in his trademark mocking voice: “Do you have any documentation, actually, to support your claim that Satan is, in fact, in direct communication with Democrats?”
It’s just so patently absurd!
I would tend to think it’s real because Far-Left loons have truly lost their minds, in the literal sense.
Their common sense is far gone, but so is their sense of humor.
They literally can no longer tell the difference between hard news, opinion and satire, and so they spend their days “fact-checking” satire.
It’s absurd but also hilarious all at the same time!
And here’s the other reason I tend to believe it’s true….because speaking of Tucker, he posted this very real communication recently with an almost identical “fact-checker” and this is confirmed real by Tucker:
Tucker Carlson made the perfect response! https://t.co/FBFtazWOeg
— RedTXTrish (@RedTX2024) October 29, 2024
Here are close-ups of those text messages (Tucker is in the blue):
A perfect response by Tucker, but come on America, it’s time to wake up….
This is NOT journalism.
This is stassi-level intimidation and propaganda and it needs to stop.
Elon had the best reply to The Babylon Bee — “Reply with “The New York Times is a danger to our democracy”:
Reply with “The New York Times is a danger to our democracy”
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) October 29, 2024
Spot on Elon!
And I’ll give you one more….
They did the same thing to Ben Shapiro:
1/ If you were wondering what the legacy media would plan for its October surprise, wonder no longer: it’s here. Today, I received the following text from a reporter at @NYTimes: pic.twitter.com/YjK7yiVhpn
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) October 29, 2024
Here’s a close-up to read better:
Are you starting to notice a pattern?
It’s even the same guy, “Nico Grant”.
Ben Shapiro explains exactly how the game works and what their goal is:
2/ What, precisely, is NYT doing? It’s perfectly obvious: using research from Media Matters, a radical Left-wing organization whose sole purpose is destroying conservative media (see below), in order to pressure YouTube to demonetize and penalize any and all conservatives ONE… pic.twitter.com/GzgXdVSwhF
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) October 29, 2024
4/ This isn’t about “election misinformation.” Obviously. As pretty much everyone knows, I have always acknowledged that Joe Biden won the 2020 election. And if it is “election misinformation” to point out the “rigging” of the voting rules for election 2020, resulting in massive… pic.twitter.com/bxaNfpLJV1
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) October 29, 2024
6/ But that’s the point: you don’t have to purvey “misinformation” to be the target. You just have to support Trump.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) October 29, 2024
8/ In 2024, they’re even more brazen: they’re openly trying to intimidate YouTube, one of the most dominant news platforms in America, into shutting down anyone who isn’t pro-Kamala. pic.twitter.com/nwbwfRY3zf
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) October 29, 2024
They’ve contact me before too, and now it doesn’t even bother me anymore because I realize I’m in very good company. But at first it was very disturbing! “Oh no, have I done something wrong?” But then you realize that ANY answer you give these idiots is only more fuel to their fire. I applaud Tucker for telling them to go fuck themselves and then insisting that they quote him on that, but for people who don’t quite have the size of platform Tucker has, it’s a losing battle for any of us to engage with these sick people. Just ignore and delete and let them continue to live a miserable existence, that’s punishment enough for them.
I don’t agree with everything Ben Shapiro does or says, but I am more than happy to be in the company of Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro and The Babylon Bee all day long over the communist New York Times and it’s minions like “Nico Grant.”
Choose your team America….
NYT and “Nico Grant”?
Or Elon, Tucker, Shapiro and the Babylon Bee….
I know where I’m proud to be.