They may be waiting a long time because he will not be able to bail them out any time soon and Trump certainly has no plans to bail them out either. They are stuck with their debt and in indefinite servitude to their lenders. (Prov. 22:7)
He apparently is teaching his players a false history and if it is all right for a leftist coach to indoctrinate his players with lies and nonsense, then it should be just as okay for a coach to preach truth and facts to his players.
Why would THAT be a surprise? [Not that the person featured in the footage is Elizabeth Warren by the way]
The Bible foretells of a day when all doomsday predictions will be laughed at and scorned. (2 Pet. 3:3-4) and that is when the end of the age will come (Mt.24:36-44, 25:1-29)
Another reason to avoid flying as much as possible and besides, road trips are more scenic.
Consumers know that EVs are a bust, especially those who have experienced their inefficiencies and failures firsthand.
If the vaxxed didn’t think they needed God before they took the dangerous vaccines, perhaps any facing debilitating and dangerous side-effects will see their need for Him now.
If There Is To Be Another Civil War…