Reclusive Prophet Predicted in 1983 that God Would One Day Use Trump
If you think Kim Clement’s prophecies about President Trump from 2017 are wild (and they are), you won’t believe what I’m about to show you.
An American who fled to Italy to live as a hermit outside the home believed to be the home of Mary, the Mother of Jesus, wrote a prophecy about Donald Trump in 1983 saying he would one day be used by God to bring America back to God.
Crazy, right?
It’s called the Hermit of Loreto Prophecy and it’s WILD stuff!
— Denn Dunham (@DennD68) August 3, 2023
Here’s a quick summary:
Tom Zimmer, known as the “Hermit of Loreto,” was an American who left behind a secular life in the U.S. and moved to Italy, where he lived a humble, prayer-focused existence in Loreto. Loreto is home to the Basilica della Santa Casa, believed by many Catholics to be the house where Mary lived, and Tom Zimmer felt a calling to spend his days there in prayer and reflection.
Zimmer’s story became particularly intriguing due to a prophecy he shared in 1983. He reportedly told friends that God had revealed to him that Donald Trump would one day lead America back to faith. This statement seemed unusual at the time, as Trump was known then for his business endeavors and flamboyant lifestyle, with little indication of a path toward religious or political leadership.
As the years passed, Zimmer’s prophecy gained more attention, especially after Trump was elected President of the United States in 2016. Many people who had heard Zimmer’s story saw Trump’s political rise as the fulfillment of this prophecy, interpreting it as a call for America to return to Christian values. Zimmer’s prediction and his life of devotion have continued to inspire those who see him as a unique figure with a message about faith and redemption for modern times.
Tom Zimmer passed away in 2009, leaving behind his spiritual legacy and the remarkable story of his prophecy, which remains a point of fascination and contemplation among those who knew him and those who have since heard of his life and vision.
This story gained renewed attention following Trump’s second election victory, pointing to Tom Zimmer, known as the “Hermit of Loreto,” who lived as a prayerful recluse in Loreto, Italy.
Read Now: https://t.co/g7x4r6MYhi@realDonaldTrump #prophecy #culture #society #priest… pic.twitter.com/L55usR4Nip
— Charisma News (@charisma_news) November 14, 2024
Here is Father Giacomo Capoverdi on YouTube said a close confidant of his told him that in the 1980’s the “Hermit of Loreto” (the author of the renown Pieta prayer book) made the prophecy that Donald Trump would “lead America back to God.”
Incredibly in the 1980’s there was a prophecy, when Trump was still a playboy, that he would lead “America back to God.”
Father Giacomo Capoverdi on YouTube said a close confidant of his told him that in the 1980’s the “Hermit of Loreto” (the author of the renown Pieta prayer… pic.twitter.com/hDGWvzuZ72
— Sweet Polly Purebred (@shesova) October 29, 2024
And because the whole thing can be a little tough to follow, I found this video that breaks it down the best I’ve seen of any.
Watch here:
Okay, somebody tell me why there are so many prophecies about Donald J. Trump. This one was sent to me by a friend of the channel, and this one actually occurred even earlier than Brandon Biggs—you know, Brandon Biggs, the guy who famously prophesied that Trump was going to be almost killed, that there was going to be a bullet flying past a zero, and stuff. We’ve covered that on the channel before, but this one is different. This one actually occurred way earlier, back in the 1980s, by a guy named Tom Zimmer.
Tom Zimmer was a hermit, a sort of recluse, but he was an American who moved to devote his life to God and to prayer. While he was there, he met a psychiatrist—the second person in this story you need to know. His name is Dr. Claude Curran. As I said, Dr. Curran is a psychiatrist, and he met with Tom. Apparently, Tom told Dr. Curran that the hand of God was going to be on Donald Trump and that something big was going to happen; God was going to use him in a really, really big way.
Now, the third person you need to know is Father Giacomo Cap. I hope I’m saying that correctly. Let’s go ahead and turn to his video now. This video is actually sort of viral; it’s got almost a million views. This is the story in which Father Cap actually met Tom and how he learned about Tom’s existence. Let’s go ahead and listen to his story.
Father Cap:
In light of current events that have been taking place recently, there’s a story I wanted to share with you—a true story—and it has to do with a friend of mine who’s a medical doctor, a psychiatrist. His name is Claude Curran. His mother was Calabrese, his father was Irish, and his name is Dr. Claude Curran.
Okay, so again, he’s talking about the second person in this story, Dr. Claude Curran, a psychiatrist who was friends with Father Cap. Claude Curran connects Father Cap with Tom Zimmer. So Claude is the person in the story connecting all three of these people together.
Father Cap:
So one day, about 17 years ago, when I was at my first assignment in Bristol, I was talking to him about going to Rome. I told him I was going to be visiting Rome, and he said to me, “Father, listen, I really want you to do something when you’re in Rome. I want you to get on a train and go up to Loreto.” He said, “I’ll pay for the train ticket, I’ll cover your expenses, but you’ve got to go to Loreto.”
Now, as he was saying this, I was thinking, “Okay, I know Our Lady of Loreto; it’s a very important Christian site for us Catholics.” It’s actually where the house of the Blessed Virgin Mary is located—the house where Mary grew up, where she received the message of the angel Gabriel, and where the Incarnation of Our Lord took place. This house, in Loreto now, was originally in Nazareth. But during the Muslim invasions, Muslims were threatening to destroy the house of the Incarnation, so legend has it that angels lifted the house and brought it to where it is now in Loreto.
Let’s pause here to talk about this legend, because it actually plays a crucial part in the story. The holy house is believed to be the very house where the Virgin Mary was born, grew up, and received the angel Gabriel’s message. According to legend, angels miraculously transported Mary’s house from Nazareth to Italy to protect it from destruction during the Crusades in the 1200s. Modern research suggests it might have actually been transported by ship, with records mentioning a nobleman named Angelos, whose family may have moved the house to Italy as part of a wedding dowry. This “Angelos” connection might explain the story of angels carrying it. But regardless of how it arrived, there is compelling evidence that the house truly originated in Nazareth, with early Christian symbols and construction methods specific to that region.
For Zimmer, praying near this sacred house was a powerful, mystical connection to Mary. This setting is where he received his conviction about Donald Trump. Now that we understand the significance of the holy house to Zimmer’s spiritual life, let’s return to the prophecy.
Tom Zimmer was an American who decided that the holy house was so important to Christianity and prayer that he would become a hermit there. He left everything behind in America, moved to Loreto, and lived near the house, staying in the basilica built around it. Unlike someone like Brandon Biggs, Tom wasn’t recording his prophecies or trying to get views; he was just devoting his life to prayer in a solitary space, occasionally sharing his insights with people like Dr. Curran.
Father Cap:
So, I did as Dr. Curran said. I got on a train and went up to Loreto—a beautiful scenic ride along the Adriatic side of Italy. I reached the basilica, went inside, and there it was—the holy house, with the basilica built around it. I said a prayer, then looked for Tom. I remember asking Dr. Curran, “How am I going to find him?” He said, “Believe me, walk around, and you’ll find him.” Sure enough, there was an elderly man, very frail and thin, leaning up against the fence surrounding the house. I went up to him and, in English, asked, “Are you Thomas?” He looked up and said, “Yes, I am.” So, I introduced myself as Dr. Curran’s friend. He knew who I was and invited me to sit with him.
Years later, just a few weeks ago, Father Cap spoke with Dr. Curran again. To set the timeline, this video was posted in 2017. After Trump was elected president, Dr. Curran shared the story again, recounting how Tom Zimmer had told him in the 1980s that “a man would lead America back to God.” When Dr. Curran asked who it was, Tom replied, “Donald J. Trump.” Dr. Curran’s reaction was disbelief: “You mean the New York Playboy?” But Tom insisted, “Believe me, I have a premonition that this is the man who’s going to do it.”
Now, we’re about to hear from Dr. Curran himself. Let’s listen to him tell the story of his own meeting with Tom and what Tom actually said.
Dr. Curran:
Regarding the story that Father Cap shared on YouTube—in the fall of 1983, during the holy year declared by Pope John Paul II to celebrate the 1950th anniversary of Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection—the Vatican invited people to buy memorial bricks to be used when they sealed up the holy door. Those intentions would be remembered in all the masses and prayers celebrated in the Vatican. One day, I went to meet Tom in the colonnade at St. Peter’s. He was doing his usual thing: writing prayers, reading current events, collecting information on social and political issues, and bringing those intentions into the church to pray for them.
He said to me, “Claude, right now in the United States, there’s a man with the hand of God on him. He has the IQ of a genius, a first-class education, and everything he approaches, he attacks with blinding efficiency.” I asked, “Who is it?” He replied, “His name is Donald Trump.” I responded, “Tom, Donald Trump? Isn’t he just a jet-setting Playboy millionaire?” But Tom insisted, “The hand of God is on him, and God is going to use him in the future.”
That’s a big difference. Father Cap said Trump would “lead America back to God,” whereas Dr. Curran recounts Tom saying “God would use him.” This is a subtle but significant distinction. Now, let’s continue.
Dr. Curran:
Tom was so convinced that he bought a memorial brick with Donald J. Trump’s name on it. This brick would benefit from all the Vatican’s masses and prayers as long as it remains in the holy door.
That’s the story. Again, it’s a little different than Father Cap’s version, where Tom Zimmer said Trump would lead America back to God. This version sounds more like God’s hand is on Trump’s life, and he’ll be used in some way—although how, exactly, is unclear. This vagueness could lessen the prophecy’s impact, but let’s discuss whether there’s evidence that God’s hand is on Trump’s life.
For instance, Donald Trump recently posted a prayer to Michael the Archangel on his X account. The prayer reads: “St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.” This is a very Christian prayer, quite different from the Trump we saw in the 1980s when the prophecy occurred. This suggests a shift towards religiosity.
On the other hand, Trump still posts troubling things. For example, on Halloween, October 31, 2024, he posted, “Mark Cuban, a really dumb guy who thinks he’s ‘hot stuff’ but he’s absolutely nothing, is now out there saying that I don’t surround myself with strong women.” So he’s still insulting people and showing an arrogant attitude. Is God using him? Maybe. Is he leading America back to God? That’s harder to say.
One significant action he took was appointing J.D. Vance as his vice president. On Vance’s X profile, he identifies as Christian and a Catholic convert. Let’s briefly listen to his testimony.
J.D. Vance:
I’m a convert to Catholicism. I was raised Christian, became an atheist, and came back to Christianity, got baptized Catholic five or six years ago.
One interpretation of God’s hand on Trump’s life could be his appointing people like J.D. Vance—outspoken Christians—to political positions. While Vance isn’t a messianic figure, this move does suggest Trump may be influencing America’s political landscape in a religious direction, lending some credibility to the idea that God’s hand is on his life.
But what do you think about this prophecy? Is it legitimate, or is it too vague to be meaningful? Let me know in the comments.