Donald Trump Pulls Off The Greatest Comeback In American History
Donald Trump’s decisive victory last night marked one of the greatest moments in American history. It was a moment that will be remembered and written about and discussed and studied centuries from now. It was truly a miraculous moment. To call it miraculous is not to in any way dismiss all of the very real work that was done by so many people. It is to underscore the fact that God’s hand can be felt, and seen, through all of this. It was a result that shows not only God’s goodness but His mercy. He is giving America another chance. That’s the kind of history that was made.
It was historic not just because Trump pulled off a political comeback unlike anything ever seen before since this country’s founding. And it’s not just because he survived multiple assassination attempts and an unprecedented campaign of lawfare designed to keep him off the ballot and throw him in prison, although all of those things are certainly true.
Donald Trump’s victory was historic because, as Trump himself said last night, it marked the day that Americans regained control of their country. Donald Trump earned a clear and unmistakable mandate for the simple reason that, after a decade of flagrant lies and manipulation from the corporate press, Americans have finally decided they’ve had enough. No one believes the media anymore, or the “national security experts,” or the corrupt prosecutors in the DOJ or places like Fulton County, Georgia. These con artists don’t have power anymore. They can’t cry “racism” and “fascism” and get what they want. They can’t pretend to be offended about a comedian’s joke about Puerto Rico and win over any voters. They can’t sell a vapid actress like Kamala Harris as a serious presidential candidate. There are limits to what Americans are willing to tolerate. And that limit has clearly been exceeded.
The power of the legacy media to set the narrative, to control what people think and believe, has been utterly destroyed. They have been left powerless, ineffectual, feeble. They have been exposed as totally insular, talking only to themselves. They are impotent. Trump has effectively castrated the media and the procedure is irreversible.
Trump’s victory shows that we’re living through the single greatest sea change in American politics since the invention of the television. Television ushered in the era of the reputable newsman, who could supposedly be trusted to deliver the cold, hard facts in a dispassionate manner. When the newsman told his audience that Richard Nixon was a crook, they believed him. After all, why would the newsman lie about something like that? He had good sources in the intelligence agencies and so on.
WATCH: The Matt Walsh Show
That’s all gone now. What little credibility the media had left was decimated for good in 2020, when they expended all of their capital pushing an endless stream of lies about COVID, in order to damage Trump ahead of the election. That’s why they implemented lockdowns, which weren’t necessary. It’s why they forced everyone to wear masks that didn’t work. It’s why they banned you on social media if you asked where COVID came from, and why Tony Fauci’s agency was funding that lab in Wuhan. And then, after Joe Biden took office, they admitted that they were lying about everything. Yeah, the virus probably did come from that lab in China, they told us. No, lockdowns didn’t do anything. And yes, masks were useless, just as you suspected.
These liars thought they had won because Biden took over, and Trump wasn’t in power anymore. They didn’t think he’d ever be able to run again. But they were wrong. What they weren’t counting on is that Trump and his supporters had no intention of forgetting the lies they had been told. And no amount of additional lies — about January 6, or about a seven-year old business records case in New York, or about Russian collusion or classified documents in Mar-a-Lago, or whatever — were going to convince Americans otherwise. Once you destroy your reputation, it’s gone. And the reputation of the media and the government is gone. They have no power anymore.
The people who should have power, Americans have decided, are those who are honest. People who create things. People with talent. People with intelligence. Innovators. Pioneers. Leaders. Americans have decided that Elon Musk, for example, should have a bigger role in this country. Elon is a great man of history. And now he will be teaming up with another great man of history — Donald Trump — in a partnership that has the potential to change America for the better in immeasurable ways. That’s what the voters decided, in overwhelming numbers. They decided that Elon Musk should be rewarded for running a company that just caught a rocket booster in mid-air, so that it can be reused. He should be rewarded for creating self-driving cars and restoring freedom of speech to social media.
Americans don’t care that Elon Musk isn’t a half-black gay Asian trans woman or whatever. They don’t care that he doesn’t check all of the Democrats’ DEI boxes. They care about merit. That’s why Kamala was just roundly defeated yesterday. And it’s why, if they’re smart, Democrats will never run such a transparently phony and vapid and utterly useless candidate ever again. But there is good reason to believe that Democrats are not smart enough to learn that lesson. Hopefully they don’t. Hopefully they keep running candidates like Kamala. Indeed, let’s hope they give Kamala herself another shot in 2028. I think she deserves it. Let her keep running. Nevertheless, she persisted, remember?
From the meltdowns on MSNBC last night, it’s clear that the usual on-air race hustlers certainly aren’t learning any lessons. They’re still continuing with their spin, long after it’s clear that no one buys it anymore. It’s pathetic to watch, but it’s also instructive. These are the last gasps of a form of propaganda that is now, as I said, totally impotent. And it was truly comical at points. Joy Reid for example praised Kamala for running a “flawless” campaign. Watch:
Kamala had a “historic, flawlessly run campaign” according to Joy Reid on MSNBC just now-
Hilarious. She never disappoints! ? pic.twitter.com/k9x72AAHF6
— Buck Sexton (@BuckSexton) November 6, 2024
Kamala refused to speak to the most popular podcast host in the country. She barely did any interviews at all. She proposed massive new taxes on unrealized capital gains, along with price controls. She reversed pretty much every one of her policy positions from the past few years — on everything from seizing firearms to eliminating private health insurance to banning fracking. And she offered no explanation for any of this. But according to Joy Reid, these are all markers of a “flawless” candidate.
So how did Kamala fall apart then? You probably know what Joy Reid’s going to say. She explains that white women voted on the basis of “race”, meaning they didn’t vote for Kamala because she’s black. Watch:
The Race Lady at MSNBC needs a wellness check:
“The second opportunity white women had” to save America and "change the way they interact with the patriarchy" but they “voted based on race rather than gender.” pic.twitter.com/PkltD3UokB
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) November 6, 2024
This is the degree of introspection that Joy Reid is capable of. And if we’re being honest, it’s why MSNBC is probably going to change a lot in the next four years, if it even exists at all. No one takes this lazy, pitiful commentary seriously anymore. In response to a defeat of historic proportions, Democrats on MSNBC are now reduced to calling Democrat voters racist.
What’s more likely is that, contrary to Democrats’ expectations, most women aren’t obsessed with killing their own children. Maybe it was a mistake to make every single advertisement into a demented lie about abortion, when Americans are struggling to pay for groceries. Could that be it? Could it be possible that Americans — including white women — are more worried about the cost of living than their ability to kill their own child?
That might be an interesting conversation. But they can’t have that conversation on MSNBC, because it would contradict one of the many false narratives they’ve concocted. It’s the same story on CNN, where Van Jones — as many people predicted — was on the verge of tears last night. Watch:
JUST IN: CNN's Van Jones is on the verge of tears, says trans kids' faces are being used as a "springboards."
"There are African-American women who know a little bit about being talked down to. They know about having their economic dreams crushed."
"If you are a parent of a… pic.twitter.com/I5BzNET4ie
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) November 6, 2024
Apparently, black women were hoping to “breathe” for the “first time” last night. That’s the level of analysis you get from CNN. Somehow black women have made it this far in life without breathing. They’ve been holding their breath for a really long time. And if Kamala had won, they’d finally be able to inhale.
It’s all so melodramatic and phony, and that’s even before he starts talking about the “parents of a trans kid.” This is a category of people that doesn’t actually exist. There is no such thing as a “trans kid.” Though there are kids who are confused about their gender. And as for those kids, nobody on the Right used them as a “springboard” for anything. The overwhelming majority of Americans recognize that performing life-changing surgeries on children — or giving them hormones that castrate them — is a grave moral evil.
That’s been the case throughout all of human history, until a few years ago when Left-wing activists decided to start carving up the bodies of children. Kamala has never been able to defend this barbarism. But she’s allowed her HHS secretary to promote it, and to lower the age requirements for these surgeries. How is that good for children, exactly? How is it good for the country as a whole?
Democrats’ preferred method of “answering” these questions is to resort to the kind of emotional non-argument that Van Jones just delivered. But it doesn’t work anymore. The majority of Americans no longer respond to this. The “experts” don’t get to substitute their judgment for our common sense. That’s gone on for too long, and it’s caused too much damage.
Maybe the only honest moment on Left-wing cable news last night came from MSNBC, where at one point, they openly talked about how they expected that “demographic change” would help Democrats. And then one panelist reacted with surprise that demographic change wasn’t actually working out for Democrats’ benefit because “brown” people, as she described them, aren’t voting for Democrats as expected. Watch:
Listen to the racists over on MSNBC as they first acknowledge the great replacement theory and then realize that brown people aren't actually their puppets. Mask off moment. pic.twitter.com/LCY5flz8vR
— Clint Russell (@LibertyLockPod) November 6, 2024
So MSNBC had to rely on some “amazing reporting” to learn that, just because someone is “brown,” they won’t necessarily vote for Democrats. Well, that’s a shocker. Except no sane person has ever said otherwise. What people have said — and what MSNBC just admitted to — is that Democrats want to import as many foreign nationals as possible, in order to secure more voters that, in aggregate, tend to vote Democrat. That’s their stated objective — and it’s either a “conspiracy theory” or something they’re happy to admit is real, depending on what day of the week it is.
The problem for Democrats is that not all “brown people,” as MSNBC calls them, think precisely the same way. Some of them care about things like lowering inflation, and securing the border, and stopping a DEI candidate like Kamala Haris from destroying the economy. Some “brown people” don’t like the endless wars that Liz Cheney would usher in. And Democrats have no answer whatsoever to these voters. They genuinely can’t understand that, despite their skin color, they’re not all voting for Kamala. In fact, huge numbers voted for her opponent. It turns out that what people — all people, of all races — really want the most are leaders who will work to make their lives better, their communities safer, and their country more prosperous. That’s what everyone wants. But the Democrats had no plan to achieve that. They didn’t even pretend to have a plan. They couldn’t bring themselves to even pretend to care about the well being of your family and your community. And so they lost. And now they are humiliated and devastated and left in ruins. And they richly deserve this disgrace. Nobody has ever deserved it more.
If Democrats want to continue to exist as a party, they’re going to need to make some fundamental changes that they just might not be capable of making at this point. They’re going to have to stop reducing candidates (and voters) to their skin color and demographic group. That means, among other things, that they need to stop demonizing white people. It also means they need to abandon their support for DEI. This is an ideology that destroys everything it touches, on both the Right and the Left. Kamala Harris was Joe Biden’s DEI pick, and she just led the party to a crushing disaster in a national election. There couldn’t be a clearer sign that Democrats’ race obsession — which began in earnest with Obama in 2008 — is a political dead end. It’s over. It doesn’t work anymore. And no matter how much Barack Obama wags his fingers at black people, that’s not going to change.
In fact, the Left’s entire project has been repudiated. Americans have rejected all of it in huge, mind boggling numbers. DEI, the trans agenda, abortion extremism, open borders, defunding the police — all of it rejected. All of it roundly, loudly, decisively defeated. The entire leftist program is left in shambles.
Kamala Harris ran on three things, and three things only. Her entire platform consisted of just three planks. One, that Trump is a Nazi. Two, that killing babies is the most important human right. And three, that men are bad and women need to exact revenge on them. That was essentially the whole campaign. That was the pitch. There was no other pitch. But nobody believed that Trump is a Nazi. The people making the claim believed it least of all. That was a narrative that could only work if everyone forgot that Trump was already president. Our memories might be short, but they aren’t that short. So that plank collapsed right away.
The second plank may have seemed more sturdy at first. Lots of people on the Right were worried that backslash against Roe really would lead to a massive Democrat victory. But I didn’t think that would happen. It turns out I was right. The average American may not be as pro-life as I would like them to be. We’ll have to do the work to get them there. But the average American certainly is not nearly as callous and blood thirsty and utterly devoid of basic human decency as they would need to be for the Democrat pitch on abortion to work. So that plank collapsed. All that was left was the final plank. Misandry. Hatred of men. Could Kamala stir up enough anti-man resentment and ride that wave to the White House? The answer was a resounding no. Most women do not hate men. In fact, most women love men. They marry men. They have fathers and brothers. That plank also rotted away. The whole floor gave out. And Kamala went tumbling through it. And it was a glorious sight to behold.
So what’s next? Well, many things. Many improvements. Many of them practical and immediate. The era of unchecked government expansion and bureaucratic overreach is over. The endless spending that’s caused inflation and weakened the value of the dollar will be reined in. The needless regulations that have stifled innovation will be gutted. The hyper-partisan lawfare that’s discredited the judicial system will come to an end. Federal agencies won’t demand the censorship of American citizens on social media for expressing unpopular opinions. In short, the government will get out of the way of American progress.
The true realignment we’re seeing — the one that will make all of this progress possible — isn’t really about demographics. It’s a realignment of Americans against the “experts” and corporate media outlets who have lied to them so relentlessly, for so long. Instead of relying on centralized news sources for information, people are now doing what Kamala Harris is incapable of doing. They’re thinking for themselves. They’re coming to their own conclusions, even if it makes them a “bigot” or a “transphobe” or a “Nazi” in the eyes of huffy CNN personalities.
And last night, we learned what those conclusions are. Americans made it clear that they don’t want to reward mediocrity and deception. They don’t want to empower the worst elements of the vast government bureaucracy, who installed a clearly incompetent candidate without any democratic process whatsoever. They want to reward builders and innovators instead. And as a result, very soon, for the first time in many years, those builders and innovators can finally get to work.
And there is so much work to do. Now we can finally do it. Thank God.