LARGE CANINE CHARGES EYEWITNESS in Bayfield County, Wisconsin Field!
"There it was, roughly the size of a bear, but the head was more canid than ursid, and the body was more lean. We stood there staring at each other for what felt like forever!"I received the following account:"Hi. The year was 2017, and there was going to be a Blood Moon that night. So I collected a bunch of equipment to get a good picture of it. I borrowed an awesome camera that could be attached to a telescope, and had my laptop and various other equipment, but also strapped on my .40 caliber pistol because there are mountain lions and coyotes in the area (Bayfield County, Wisconsin). Loaded all my gear into my Jeep and headed to an area a few miles away from town.I arrive at the place where I'm going to set up, begin unloading and setting everything up and I hear some nearby sheep start freaking out. Didn't think much of it, and after a handful of minutes, they went quiet again. Just as I was unloading the scope I heard a very loud splash (there was a small creek in the field) and for some reason, this caught my attention. I stood up and looked towards the creek for a second but didn't hear anything else so I went back to setting up the scope.Now I hear some rustling, twigs snapping, that sort of thing, and stand up and shine my flashlight around to see what I can see. Don't see anything and whatever it went quiet when I shined the light around so I figured I'd scared it off and started screwing the scope onto the tripod when I heard a very loud snap and whipped back around, pulling my gun and shining my light towards a fallen tree I'd noticed earlier.And there it was, roughly the size of a bear, but the head was more canid than ursid, and the body was more lean. We stood there staring at each other for what felt like forever, then it growled and charged and I screamed and fired my gun repeatedly (after the fact I found I'd fired 8 shots). It bowled me over and I fully expected that my life was over, but instead of following through with the attack it just kept running and disappeared into the cornfield nearby. Thoroughly spooked I tossed the most expensive bits I'd unpacked back into the Jeep and left immediately, only going back once the sun was fully up to finish recollecting my gear. When I got there I found a Game Warden, a couple of Sheriff's Deputies, and the farmer who owned the field/pasture.Apparently whatever it was had killed a couple sheep, and they were trying to figure out what it was and where it went. The tracks were both canid but also not canid, they were strangely "longer" than a standard dog print. What was it? Well I'm still not sure and sometimes it still keeps me up at night, some have suggested it was a "Dogman?" I'm not sure I believe in such things." E**********CHICAGO MOTHMAN - 'UNSOLVED MYSTERIES' VIEWER REPORTS! | LIVE CHAT | Q & A (EYEWITNESS SUBMISSIONS)PHANTOMS & MONSTERS VIDEO LIBRARYPOLL: WHAT DO YOU THINK? Vote & comment on paranormal, cryptid & unexplained mysteries!LISTEN TO NARRATIONS OF PHANTOMS & MONSTERS REPORTS & CASES - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE, LIKE & SHAREPHANTOMS & MONSTERS RADIO Podcasts on SpotifyPHANTOMS & MONSTERS READING LISTCHICAGO MOTHMAN / O'HARE BATMAN YouTube PlaylistHave you had a sighting or encounter?Contact me by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974Thanks. LonOUR SOCIAL MEDIA LINKSBigfoot and Other Cryptid Videos on YouTubeLYCANS! - PENNSYLVANIA'S CRYPTID CANINES UPDATE'KILLER BIGFOOT' HUNTED BY U.S. SPECIAL FORCES / GLIMMER MAN / MANTIS HUMANOIDSCRAWLER HUMANOIDS - GRUESOME INVADERS! (REAL EYEWITNESS ENCOUNTERS!)WEREWOLVES: DO THEY EXIST?'DOGMAN IN OUR YARD!' - AN OHIO FAMILY'S 12-YEAR SAGA WITH CRYPTID CANINESHey, folks. Thanks for the congrats on 'The Mothman Revisited' episode on Unsolved Mysteries. As a result, we are receiving more sighting reports and are very excited and grateful for the new information!I sincerely thank the Unsolved Mysteries team and Netflix for allowing us to tell the world about this phenomenon.If you have information about this or any other cryptid or unexplained sighting or encounter, please feel free to contact me by email or at 410-241-5974. Thanks again! LonCHICAGO MOTHMAN / O'HARE BATMAN YouTube PlaylistChicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive MapHey, folks. Please feel free to share your thoughts & comments on the recently uploaded video of the CHICAGO MOTHMAN. I'm interested in what you have to say. Thanks. LonEXCLUSIVE VIDEO of CHICAGO MOTHMAN RECORDED----------Become a Phantoms & Monsters Radio Insider - just $2.99 monthly, and receive these perks. 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