This Anti-Family Ad Reveals Democrats’ Sick Agenda
One of the most agonizing sights in politics is watching Democrats trying to ape the motions of normal, everyday people. We’ve talked about this a lot lately. Tim Walz tried to play a football video game and go hunting, only to demonstrate that he doesn’t know what a “Pick 6” is, or how to load his own shotgun.
Then, White Dudes for Kamala, led by Adam Kinzinger, went to the range for a fun day of shooting, only to violate every single gun safety rule that exists. They even managed to accidentally shoot a reporter who was covering the event. He was hit by a bullet fragment off a very predictable ricochet, which is a story that should probably be getting more attention than it is. And then there was Kamala Harris grabbing a casual beer with the governor of Michigan the other day, surrounded by dozens of cameras that she pretended not to notice so she could have a fake “hot mic” moment. The whole thing looked about as phony as Elizabeth Warren’s infamous “beer catastrophe.”
Democrats struggle to emulate basic human interactions like this for a lot of reasons. One of them is that Democrats are statists. Maintaining interpersonal relationships, and having normal interactions with one another, isn’t something that concerns them. Their goal is advancing the broader interests of their party. This is an outlook that makes it extremely difficult for Democrats to relate to everyday Americans who, unlike Democrats, aren’t transfixed by the idea of obtaining more political power. It shows up everywhere in their messaging. They can’t help but reveal how clueless and manipulative they are.
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That brings me to what may be the single most vile political advertisement I’ve ever seen. This ad just came out the other day on social media. On paper, the idea behind this advertisement is to appeal to liberal women who are married to conservative men. But in just the span of thirty seconds, this advertisement — which was produced by the nonprofit “Vote Common Good” — reveals that Democrats don’t understand anything about marriage, or women, or men. Instead, probably without even realizing it, the people who made this advertisement were very transparent about the goal of the Democrat Party, which is to turn families against one another.
Here’s the full, 30-second advertisement, which is narrated by the actress Julia Roberts. Watch:
It’s actually impressive they managed to jam so much insanity into one 30-second advertisement. According to Julia Roberts, the voting booth is “the one place in America where women still have a right to choose.” Outside of the voting booth, women can’t make any decisions for themselves. Women are completely controlled by men, 24/7, in every aspect of life — except in the voting booth on Election Day. That’s their one, precious moment of freedom. It’s not like they’re free to make choices every moment of every day, all the time. No, they have no freedom to choose anything, except on the ballot.
If that’s true, it raises the obvious question of how Julia Roberts was able to do the voiceover for this advertisement. What man told her to do that, against her will? Who exactly is holding Julia Roberts hostage and making her embarrass herself like this? Surely, she couldn’t have made the decision to read these lines on her own. After all, she’s a woman, and she’s not in a voting booth. So, by the advertisement’s own terms, we can only assume that Julia Roberts is tied up in a basement somewhere. Or maybe she’s being blackmailed. The possibilities are endless. And none of them are good.
Not to mention, if the patriarchy has successfully banned women from making any choices in life at all, then how do women still have the right to vote? That seems like a rather significant oversight by the patriarchy. It’s almost like the patriarchy doesn’t exist.
But aside from that, there are about a million other problems with it. You’ll notice that, in the ad, the conservative man has the hat with the American flag and the bald eagle. He seems like a patriotic, friendly guy. And his wife’s hat has an American flag, too. But then we learn that the wife is only pretending to be patriotic because her husband is abusive or whatever. Really, she identifies more with the mysterious woman across from her, who’s not wearing any hat. The two women exchange a knowing glance. And then the man’s wife walks away with the mysterious woman, like they’re going on a date or something.
So far, the two messages this ad is sending is that conservatives are patriotic, and that Democrats think women have no agency whatsoever. They’re supposedly too cowardly to speak their own minds to their own husbands, or to make their own decisions about anything. And this particular ad is coming from a nonprofit that says it wants to appeal to “Evangelical and Catholic voters,” because, apparently, “evangelical and Catholic” voters are in the habit of lying to their spouses.
As insulting as this is, again, it would be a mistake to dismiss this ad as merely tone-deaf and patronizing, although it’s obviously both of those things. The ad is actually saying something important, which is that one of the goals of the Democrat Party is to turn spouses against one another. They want women to keep secrets from their husbands, and to see their husbands as some kind of threat. Democrats are pushing this message because ultimately they want to destroy marriages and families, which are the single greatest threat to their political power.
A couple of days ago, I talked about this effort in the context of Democrats’ last-minute pitch to win over male voters.
Michelle Obama delivered a 30-minute speech in which she repeatedly told men that their role is to be subservient to liberal women. The only time she talked about improving the lives of men was when she was telling them to kill their children. If you kill your child and destroy your family, Michelle Obama said, then you can go to college. And then you can be a miserable, screeching activist who’s loyal to the Democrats, instead of your own children. Watch:
As with everything else we hear from prominent figures in the Democrat Party, nothing exists in isolation. It’s all part of a broader, collective message. Every single agent of the party has to push the same exact script at all times. Michelle Obama didn’t come up with her anti-family message, anymore than that nonprofit came up with its anti-family message.
They’re all working in concert to push the same rhetoric that ultimately leads to the enactment of policies like this one, in California:
So over the past couple of years in California, various school districts were requiring that administrators notify parents if their child starts identifying as transgender. That’s a policy that makes sense for a lot of reasons. One of them is that children who think they were born in the wrong body are about a million times more likely to suffer from serious mental health conditions. They’re also almost certainly being influenced by their teachers or their peers — neither of whom care about these children. They care about an ideology. The only people who actually care about the children in this scenario, in basically every single case, are their parents.
But in California, the state thinks it knows better than parents. Here’s just one example of how that plays out. In 2019, mother in California named Abigail Martinez lost her 16-year-old daughter to suicide, after she says her school and the Department of Children and Family Services pressured her daughter to “transition” into a boy. Authorities placed Martinez’s daughter in foster care because she wouldn’t “affirm” her daughter’s new gender identity. She didn’t see her daughter again until she deliberately sat down on some railroad tracks and was hit by a train.
Here’s an excerpt of the mother’s remarks, where she outlines the horror that the state of California put her family through:
This woman’s daughter probably wouldn’t be dead today if the state of California hadn’t taken custody of her child. And by the way, if you watch her full remarks, you’ll hear that even after her daughter committed suicide, the state still treated this mother like a criminal. These people are ruthless in their efforts to destroy families and ruin the lives of children. That’s why California just made it a law that prevents schools from mandating these kinds of parental notifications.
But Gavin Newsom sees it differently. Newsom’s spokesman said: “This law helps keep children safe while protecting the critical role of parents. It protects the child-parent relationship by preventing politicians and school staff from inappropriately intervening in family matters and attempting to control if, when, and how families have deeply personal conversations.”
So if you’re following the doublespeak, the state of California is “protecting the child-parent relationship” by making it easier for schools to hide critical information from parents about the mental state of their children. The more secrets there are, the better.
This is the same message that nonprofit was pushing in that advertisement with Julia Roberts. Democrats want family members to treat each other with suspicion and contempt so that, eventually, families collapse. It’s the same reason the Soviets encouraged people to report their relatives for wrong-think. When families are gone, the state can move in to fill that power vacuum. This is the plan that Democrats, with the help of former celebrities like Julia Roberts, are now attempting to execute.
The problem they’re having is that they’re being extremely obvious about it. At a time when trust in the Democrat Party has never been lower, they’re pitching themselves as your surrogate family. It’s as heavy-handed and unappealing a pitch as you can imagine, but it’s clearly what they’re going with. And in less than a week, we’ll find out exactly how well that pitch works out for them.