Alex Jones Has Inside Scoop On Tucker Carlson’s DEMON Attack; Opens Up About His Own Story Too!
Yesterday we brought you the absolutely stunning story of Tucker Carlson coming forward with a story about how he was attacked one night in his room by a Demon and physically mauled.
Folks, this is a fairly worldly (for most of his life, by his own admission) Tucker Carlson who suddenly found himself in a spiritual battle and realized “all of this is real!”
I’ll repost that full report down below in case you missed it, but now I want to bring you an update on the same topic from Alex Jones.
Alex Jones posted today confirming that Tucker told him this story about a year ago when he was up at Tucker’s cabin.
He also opens up about his own story where he was attacked by a poltergeist.
What a crazy time we are living through, did you ever think you’d see a time in life where perhaps the two biggest newsmen in the world are talking openly and honestly about how they’ve been attacked by real, literal demons in the middle of the night?
And they’re serious about it.
And they say it was these encounters that suddenly gave them an urge to read the Bible — in full.
Watch this short clip from Alex Jones here:
EXCLUSIVE: Alex Jones Breaks Down Inside Scoop On Tucker Carlson Being Physically Attacked By A Demon
Why are reports of poltergeist events at record levels worldwide? pic.twitter.com/tmPJ99WRLk
— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) November 1, 2024
I was interested in the word “poltergeist” and why Alex Jones used that word instead of demon.
If you’re curious, here’s what I found out:
The term poltergeist specifically refers to a type of supernatural entity that is known for causing physical disturbances. The word comes from the German words poltern (to make noise) and Geist (ghost or spirit). Poltergeists are often associated with unexplained noises, moving or throwing objects, and other manifestations of energy. These disturbances are typically described as mischievous or disruptive rather than malevolent, and poltergeist activity is often thought to be linked to human presence, particularly that of adolescents or individuals experiencing emotional stress.
On the other hand, a demon is considered a malevolent supernatural being, typically with origins in religious or mythological contexts. Demons are associated with evil or malevolent intentions and are believed to exert a more serious, often harmful influence on people or environments. They may seek to possess individuals or cause harm, embodying malevolence on a much deeper and more insidious level than what is attributed to a poltergeist.
In summary:
Poltergeist: A spirit associated with noisy, mischievous, or disruptive physical disturbances, often more playful or attention-seeking than overtly harmful.
Demon: A malevolent supernatural entity with the intention to harm or exert evil influence, often tied to religious or mythological lore.
You learn something new every day!
More here from Jones:
Tucker Carlson told me this story over a year ago in confidence. I am glad he is talking about it now. I talked about it on air but did not say his name. Now for the rest of the story. The demonic attacks are happening to a lot of prominent people. MTC https://t.co/l6BAX7y03X
— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) October 31, 2024
And in case you missed my original bombshell report, I’ll repost it right here:
Tucker Carlson REVEALS BOMBSHELL: “I was attacked by a demon in my sleep!”
Tucker Carlson REVEALS BOMBSHELL: "I was attacked by a demon in my sleep!"
I only have a few simple rules around here for our writing team when writing headlines....
Writers are not allowed to use the phrase "Dunks On" in titles (I think it's stupid and asinine).
Writes are not allowed to use the phrase "Breaks His Silence" unless someone has actually first taken a vow of silence.
And use of the word "BOMBSHELL" is to be used sparingly, so it retains its impact.
The only problem is I find myself breaking that third rule a bit more frequently than I would like these days, but I can't help it....we have stories breaking right now that are true "bombshells" and so I've used the word more in recent weeks than I can remember.
But take a look at this and tell me if this doesn't qualify.....
A stunning clip is going viral from an upcoming new movie called "Christianities? Journey to the Heart of the Faith" where Tucker Carlson shares the reason he has suddenly become a Christian, and it's absolutely wild!
Tucker says he was attacked by a demon.
In his sleep.
He says it was 100% real and he even woke up with scratch marks and blood on his sheets.
He says it freaked him out (obviously) and immediately afterward he was left was a strong desire to begin reading the Bible.
So he did.
No commentaries, to relying on pastors or teachers, just got a Bible and started reading it.
He also says he had absolutely zero frame of reference to understand what happened to him that night so he asked the only person he could think of, an "evangelical Christian woman" on his staff.
Wow, wow, wow!!
The whole clip is just about 4 minutes and you simply have to see it for yourself.
Watch here:
Wow. Tucker says a demon attacked him in his sleep about a year and a half ago. No wonder why he's had a spiritual awakening. Once people recognize that evil exists, they realize the spiritual realm exists and that God is real. pic.twitter.com/YiouxHyGwK
— Green Lives Matter (@Ultrafrog17) October 31, 2024
Backup video player here if needed:
Wow!! Tucker says a demon attacked him in his sleep about a year and a half ago!!
No wonder why he's had a spiritual awakening.
Once people recognize that evil exists, they realize the spiritual realm exists and that God is real.
This is a huge factor in the Great Awakening. pic.twitter.com/FTxILzW2FA
— DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) October 31, 2024
I am absolutely blown away!
Now we know why Tucker has suddenly become born again.
Now it all makes perfect sense.
Yes this can happen to anyone but it usually happens to people that have a calling do not ignore it.
— Margarita poor (@Margaritapoor2) October 31, 2024
Tucker most certainly has a very big calling in this life and it's not just to be on Fox News....
Something much bigger is in store!
I wonder if we will find out that the same thing happened to Russell Brand?
The clip above is from "Christianities? Journey to the Heart of the Faith", an upcoming documentary that delves into the diverse expressions of Christianity worldwide. Hosted by John Heers, the film explores why Christianity manifests differently across cultures and addresses questions about the essence of being a Christian. Heers, founder of First Things Foundation and host of the "Heavy Things Lightly" podcast, brings his storytelling and historical expertise to this project. The documentary is directed by Steven "Scooter" Downey, known for his work on the feature documentary "Hoaxed" and the Fox Nation series "Tucker Carlson Originals."
The film aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of Christianity by interviewing spiritual and intellectual leaders from around the globe. It seeks to present a cohesive narrative that appeals to both the heart and mind, exploring the historical, intellectual, and spiritual continuity—or lack thereof—within modern Christianity.
To get a glimpse of the documentary, you can watch the official trailer below:
The Religious Revival Happening Right Now….That Almost NO ONE Is Talking About!
Tucker Carlson: Christians Are The Wisest People….They’re The ONLY People Who Know What’s Going On!
Tucker Carlson: Christians Are The Wisest People....They're The ONLY People Who Know What's Going On!
This is really incredible....
I continue to be blown away by how openly and freely really big names are suddenly talking about the Bible, Christians, Christianity and even things like End Times and Prophecy.
Tucker Carlson, by his own admission, used to be one of the most secular guys out there.
Living a life that wasn't bad in the sense that he was hurting anyone, but definitely living a very self-centered life, not in any way focused on God or faith.
And now he's had this incredible awakening where he is coming right out and saying Christians are the ONLY ones who understand what's happening right now in our world....and what's coming next!
It's a clip you have to see.
Watch below or scroll down for the transcript.
I think he's 100% right.
We have the script.
We have the Book.
The Bible tells us the truth and we are the only ones reading it!
Watch here:
Full transcript:
Isaiah Robin: All right, ladies and gentlemen. So, my last video was muted after I played the video, so we're going to rewind that because there was a lot said on that last video. Why it was muted, you tell me. You tell me. Let's just make sure the mic's on this time. Check, check, check, check. Hallelujah. Let's go over that clip again where Tucker Carlson says this about Christians in the end times.
Tucker Carlson: Those are the wisest people I've discovered. Yeah, I didn't know that, but there's nowhere you can look and go, "That makes sense anymore." Nothing makes any sense at all. The confusion of genders, it's everywhere. I mean, I was in DC, what was it, last June, when we had the big Transvisibility Day? Exactly on Easter, with Easter bunnies and Easter eggs, and the White House letterhead declaring that day Transvisibility Day. That's a symbol. The pope, that's a pretty clear symbol. Yeah, yeah. I'm not a theologian or anything, but you replace Easter with that day, I think maybe you're making a statement about transcendent matters. It's not just about politics.
But it's everywhere. It's everywhere you look. Yeah, and only the Bible readers are prepared to understand it. That's what I—there it is—because everything is the opposite of what you were told. So you were told that all the Bible readers were the most superstitious and inflexible and stupid and lacking wisdom and common sense and they couldn't see reality. That's what I grew up with. I mean, even though we went to church occasionally or whatever, of course, we hated religious people because all affluent Americans hate religious people in the world that I grew up in. Because they're like superstitious and dumb and they're embarrassing and they're like kind of middle class or poor whites, and you're like, "Gee, I mean, I'm so ashamed to say that." I was never against them, really, but I just didn't—I don't know—you just don't question what you were taught, really.
And then it turns out that those are the only people who know what's going on. They're the best people. I've known that for a while. They are the best. Religious people are the best people. It's not even close. Who else helps other people just for—who else prays for their enemies? Anyone? Anyone? No, just Christians. That's it. So anyway, I have known that for a while, that they were the best people. And of course, I'm married to one, so I knew that. But what I didn't know was that they're the only wise people. They're the only ones who know what's up, and that they're just way smarter than everybody. I didn't know that. I had no idea.
And the last couple of years have been like—they're the only people who know what's going on. You had the greatest line this morning. I won't reveal personal stuff we talked about, but you were talking about something super crazy that happened to you. You went to a Christian who works for you who was just like, "Well, yeah, of course. That happens all the time." And you said to them, "People who really understand this stuff, it's like not a shocking event." I think you said, "It's like Tuesday," because they know that this is real. Tuesday.
It's so great, though. Well, you know, with everything that's going on and as disgusted as I am with the country and the citizens, and the government, and I'm starting to get an eye into that as the show grows. I see how it gives me hope, though, in a weird, weird way. Now that I can kind of see through the—okay, none of this makes sense, and it actually makes sense that none of this makes sense because it's all been written. It's in the book. I know it's in the book, and it's playing out right now.
And anyways, the fact that—honestly, it's the only thing that brings me any hope because I don't think we're getting out of this. Yeah, of course. But that's—I mean, that shouldn't be surprising either. I mean, again, I just can't believe that in the end, when it really gets intense as it is now, that it's Christians—people who actually believe the Bible—are the only ones with wisdom who understand what's really going on. They're not shocked at all, and they're not panicked either. They get it.
It's so interesting, and that itself is a Biblical principle: the last shall be first. The most, you know, the humble among you will be exalted. It's like everything's the opposite of what you thought it was. Victory is defeat. Defeat—Christianity is defeat. Being tortured to death is actually victory. It's like—it's just—but once you start, even if you're not a Christian, which I think you should be because it's true, but even if you're not, you can acknowledge, just having lived here for a while, that that is absolutely the way things work. To live is Christ, to die is gain.
Isaiah Robin: Do you see what's going on, people? The Lord is pouring out His Spirit. People are starting to understand. Wow. Okay, I think I get it now. I think I understand now what's going on. Tucker Carlson, ladies and gentlemen, who used to work for Fox News until they let him go for speaking too much truth, now he gets all his views and interviews on X, which used to be Twitter, saying Christians in the last days will be the only ones with wisdom. Hallelujah, glory be to God. Glory be to God for somebody like that to come into that revelation revealed from the Father.
Now, I made a long video about this last night. I went through different details about different things. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be revealed yet. Hallelujah. But I think it's absolutely amazing what's happening. See, a lot of people will look at the world like it's dark and it's terrible and it's only getting worse, but we have to come into the acknowledgment that that's meant to happen. So when he's saying things like, "It's not new for Christians," our Christians know exactly what's going on. Hallelujah, yes we do. Yes, we do. But we also know how the story ends. Glory be to God. The victory is Yeshua's, so the victory is my brothers and sisters. The victory is the kingdom of God. Hallelujah. To live is Christ, to die is gain.
I read you guys a story on Ignatius the other day, the epistle to the Romans, where he was telling his congregation, "Do not try to get him out of the situation where he is going to be martyred. He wants to die." Like, that's real faith. How far have we strayed away, my brothers and sisters? How far have we really strayed away from how things used to operate in the beginning of the church, where people were hungry to give their life up for the Lord?
You know what happened? There's too much flesh on us now. It's too much of a veiling. We can't see the truth in the Scriptures, and when you can't see the truth in the Scriptures in a spiritual manner, you're not really getting fed spiritually. So there's not really a decrease in you so that an increase of Christ can grow in you. Because the more Christ increases in you, the more you're going to want to be with Christ, which means also leaving this Earth. You get what I'm saying? There's a beauty in yearning for the Lord. There's a beauty—
Shawn Ryan: Trinity, stop it. Stop it.
Isaiah Robin: There's a beauty in it. Hallelujah. It's amazing, man. I truly appreciate this interview. I truly love the revelation that this man is coming into. The Lord is clearly pulling on his heart. He said his wife is a Christian. He said that, "I would advise you to be a Christian because it's true." And if it is true, Hallelujah, that means there's only one way to the Father, and that is through Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Let me know what you guys think of this video. I'm sorry, you guys, that it was muted the first time. There was a lot of revelation. The Lord was flowing last night. Oh my Lord. But for another time. Amen. Amen, my brothers and sisters. Let me know what you think about this video, though. God bless.
I actually wrote a huge article about this last week...
And it just continues to play out in more and more obvious ways.
Five years ago, would you ever imagine Tucker Carlson saying what he just said?
Not even Tucker would!
He's had a spiritual revival and awakening.
Here's what I wrote just last week:
The Religious Revival Happening Right Now....That Almost NO ONE Is Talking About!
There's a religious revival happening right now in this country....and almost no one is talking about it.
I've wanted to write about this for a few weeks now, but haven't yet been able to pull it all together until now.
It was actually this clip from Tucker Carlson that really helped me bring it all together.
Tucker and Don Jr. and the rest of the panel in this clip are asked at the Bitcoin Conference about President Trump's near assassination and how he's responding to that with faith.
Tucker fields the answer and he starts to go into EXACTLY what I've been noticing.
Watch the clip first and then we'll discuss:
Tucker Carlson: There is a Religious Revival happening right now in this country....
Can you feel it?
Do you notice it too? pic.twitter.com/mkmNvoaOdY
— DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) August 2, 2024
I've been noticing this a TON in the past 6-12 months, have you?
Suddenly, some very big names are openly and actively talking about their FAITH.
They're talking about God a lot, and not just the way a 1980s politician would claim to follow God (think of George H. W. Bush claiming to be a Christian and getting the photo op going to church), but they're talking about it in a very real and practical way....
They're also talking very specifically about JESUS.
And they're almost always also talking about spiritual warfare and the practical nature of all of this stuff.
They're LIVING it, not just talking about it for 60 minutes on Sundays.
And here's the final kicker....It's not the old Church lady talking about flannel graphs and nice little Bible stories.
What I'm seeing is grown, TOUGH men, very rough around the edges, suddenly waking up to the reality that the Bible isn't just some fairytale story that happened "once upon a time"....they're waking up and realizing the Bible tells the story of how we got here....and it never really stopped! Bible times are OUR times!
They're waking up to realize we're in a spiritual battle and we live on a battlefield, whether we like it or not. Whether we admit it or not. That's where we're at!
And so these big, tough, rough-around-the-edges men are waking up and saying "ok, if I'm in a battle, I want to know which side is the right side and which side is the winning side."
When they piece together that they want to be on the side of Jesus, they just start talking about it!
And here's the funny part -- they haven't cleaned up all the rough edges yet!
That Tucker clip from above is perfect, because he's doing everything I'm describing....he's explaining how he's basically had an awakening in his own life, the word for that would be "reborn", and he realizes it and he's just trying to figure it out, and he admits he's not getting it all right all the time, and he knows he's far from a Biblical scholar wearing a cardigan writing intellectual articles about the Bible.
And in the same breath where he talks so eloquently about his newly found faith, a few seconds later he's talking about "buying shit on Amazon".
You see, the rough edges are still there, but these big, strong, tough, powerful men are waking up, having a religious revival in their own lives, and they're talking about it!
And when you're TUCKER CARLSON and you do that, millions of people hear you!
I have TONS of examples, I'll give you another one here.
This interview where Tucker is actually the guest on Shawn Ryan's show is another that PERFECTLY describes what I'm talking about.
Shawn Ryan, Navy Seal.
Tucker Carlson, Top Journalist.
Both rough and tumble guys.
Both have not led perfect lives.
They might use some language you don't always like (Sorry Franklin)....
They might have done things in their life that weren't always the perfect Church-lady thing to do.....
Yet here they are on YouTube having a conversation that has been viewed by almost 3 million people (and counting) for over 3 hours, and almost all of it is about Spiritual Warfare and Jesus Christ!
Even TRUMP is having his own spiritual revival right now!
He's the ultimate rough-and-tumble guy, but a heart of gold and a man waking up to the spiritual battle we find ourselves in.
Folks, this is STUNNING and it's happening right in front of your eyes....and almost no one is talking about it:
Here's more from Tucker Carlson breaking down the Nephilim and the Spirit World!
Crazy stuff...and yet he's RIGHT ON.
In fact, if you pressed me I would venture to say Tucker has a much better idea about the world we live in (spiritual and physical) than your Pastor does.
If your pastor doesn't understand Genesis 6:4 or refuses to talk about it, you need to find a new pastor.
Watch this:
I've written a LOT about the Nephilim here, but it's crazy to hear Tucker Carlson now talking about it!
Want another example?
I could do this all day.
Patrick Bet-David is another one who is a very tough and powerful guy, rough around the edges, hasn't always lived a perfect "church-lady" lifestyle....and yet he's one of the biggest voices on YouTube and he's constantly talking about Jesus Christ.
I tuned into this interview he had with Bryce Mitchell (badass UFC guy) because I wanted to hear what he had to say about Space, and the whole first 30-45 minutes is all about spiritual warfare and Bryce explaining how he suddenly found himself casting out demons when he was 20 years old.
Wild stuff!
Watch here:
And it's going mainstream folks.
Your pastor is most likely NOT equipped to handle what's coming next on the world stage.
But I think there's a reason why God is allowing strong men like Tucker Carlson, Patrick Bet-David, Bryce Mitchell, President Trump, me (!) and many others to have a platform and speak out about this stuff....because you're gonna need us.
You're gonna need us to explain to you what's coming next when they (allegedly) try to roll out aliens and claim that these aliens created us millions of years ago and now they're back, and so you can just throw your Christianity and your Bible out the window, because God didn't make you, these aliens did.
If you don't understand Genesis 6:4, and you don't understand that your Bible is a supernatural book from start to finish, you're going to be VERY confused and lost.
So....what IS coming?
Start here:
EXCLUSIVE: My Take On The "Coming Great Deception"
The Bible tells us very clearly that there is coming in the future a "Deception" so great that even believers will be fooled by it.
That's not really up for debate.
The only thing up for debate is (1) what is it, and (2) has it already started?
I'm going to give you my opinion on both of those questions in this article and then I want to hear what YOU think!
First I have to put this in context.
Third years ago, if I would have tried to have a serious debate and discussion about whether "aliens" are real, I would have been laughed out of the room.
Today it's not only debated in Congress but actual testimony to Congress from multiple sources all say they're real, they've seen them, we have many of their craft/vessels, and we even have "biologics".
"Biologics" = we have recovered or captured alien bodies.
Folks, that is not Noah on the Internet saying I think those things are true.
That is Noah reporting to you that this was DIRECT TESTIMONY given to Congress just a few weeks ago.
In fact, we Live Streamed the testimony live on my Rumble channel, which you can see right here if you want:
I'm just setting the stage and then we're going to dive right in....and go DEEP!
Against that backdrop we also have Mr. Space himself, Elon Musk, saying: "I haven't seen any evidence of aliens...and I would think I should know!"
Here is a pretty famous clip of Elon being asked about Aliens and responding by saying he's seen a lot into space and has never seen any evidence of Aliens.
Elon Musk: "We Might Be the Only Consciousness in the Galaxy" @elonmusk #Aliens #UFO #SpaceX pic.twitter.com/jPnD6AMJOu
— Top A.I. News (@TopAINewsVideos) June 27, 2023
Now let me blow your mind for a second....
I think Elon is right.
And I think it lines up EXACTLY with what I've been telling you for the past several years.
As usual, we're sometimes early but we're often right on the money with our reporting.
So I think Elon is correct and telling the truth when he says he doesn't see any evidence of Aliens when he looks out in Space....and yet, something is clearly happening.
The sightings are increasing.
They don't seem to all be fakes.
We have a VAST rise in technology since the 1940s and the alleged alien crash in Roswell, NM.
Suddenly technology starts accelerating at a rate we have never seen before in history.
A pace that suggests perhaps it's less organic discovery and more reverse engineering of advanced technology.
Heck, even Jack Dorsey just today posted this to Twitter:
— jack (@jack) July 2, 2023
That would be a flying saucer, in case you couldn't tell.
Remember, these people ALWAYS tell you what's coming before it happens.
I don't know why, but it seems to be written into their rules that they have to tell you what they do before they do it.
So we have all the EVIDENCE of aliens, we have Jack Dorsey Tweeting about Aliens, we even have Tucker Carlson doing shows on Aliens and saying he's been given evidence they exist....and yet, I also think Elon Musk is right when he says he sees no evidence of them in Space.
How can both be right?
Simple: because they aren't "aliens" and they aren't coming from Space.
They are the disembodied Nephilim coming straight out of Genesis 6:4.
It's right in your Bibles folks, look it up!
It starts in Genesis 6:4 and then continues throughout the entire Old Testament!
And they don't come and go from "Space".
They come and go from different dimensions that we can't see.
That's why they can appear and disappear in what looks to us like a flash.
If you're thinking I've lost it, stick with me and I'll tie it all together for you, with Bible references and all.
Stay with me!
I don't want to get too bogged down with science and dimensions, but the jump from 2D to 3D will help you understand 3D to 4D:
This one is even better and goes deeper (still only 5 minutes)...
Take a look:
Totally fascinating, but enough with that.
Back to what ARE these things?
I contend they are not "Aliens" in the sense that they come from some other planet in the Universe.
And Elon Musk is telling you the same thing.
I actually think it has much more to do with 2 Thessalonians 2, Matthew 24 and Genesis 6 than "Space".
Do you know what those verses say?
2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 describes the coming Great Deception:
11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.
Matthew 24:24 says even the elect will be deceived (if that's possible):
24 For false christs and false prophets will arise and will provide great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.
I believe those two go together, and I believe they both date back to Genesis 6:4:
4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.
There is a LOT of debate over this verse, but here are a couple truths...
Until very recently in church history, this was very commonly understood to have the plain-face meaning it has when you read it, namely, that (fallen) Angels left Heaven, came to Earth, violated God's law by having children with the women, and that mix of Angel and Human DNA created Nephilim -- these kind of Giant creatures.
And after Genesis 6, what do we see referenced all throughout the Old Testament?
Once you understand that basic foundational fact (which is why it's so early in the Bible in Genesis) then the entire rest of the Old Testament makes sense.
The Old Testament constantly talks about races of Giants...the Anakim, the Rephaim, and many others.
Remember Goliath?
He wasn't just tall like Shaq, he was a Nephalim descendent.
And this answers one of the biggest confusions and trip-ups for most people when reading the Bible....
They start reading along and all is going good and then God orders Israel to kill everyone in one of these giant tribes.
Seems harsh.
Seems kind of like genocide.
Until you realize this was a corrupted DNA chain.
These were not fully human, they were Nephilim and the Nephilim hated humanity. Killed humanity. Wanted to wipe out humanity.
Now do you see why God ordered them to be wiped out when Israel would win a battle?
There's so much in here and I've written about it much more extensively here:
And here:
So I write this to make sure you are not caught unaware...
There is a coming Great Deception -- the Bible tells you that.
It will be so powerful it will deceive even the Elect, if that is possible.
And I believe it will have everything to do with Aliens.
I believe the narrative will go like this:
They've been rolling out "Soft Disclosure" for years....
Soon I believe you'll be the Hard Disclosure.
That means you'll flip on the news and they'll have video of an alien craft and aliens and they'll tell you it's real: the aliens are here.
That will immediately set off mass panic.
But after the panic, then the questions will start.
Where did they come from?
Who created them?
Did God create them?
Do they have their own God?
A different God than anything we have here on Earth?
The Church will ask: do they need to be Baptized and converted?
You know they've already started having those talks, right?
Check this out:
The #jesuit #pope is ready to baptize #aliens which are truly the devil frogs from Revelation 16 that will unite the world to fight the Lord Jesus Christ on his return. The jesuits even came out with a book that is on this topic as they prepare for this STRONG DELUSION. #WATCH pic.twitter.com/YZXKtuBZ43
— BeingJustified (@BeingJustified) August 24, 2022
Wouldn't that just create a TON of confusion within the Church?
Sounds like a Great Deception to me.
So I think Elon is right: he sees NO evidence for Aliens in Space.
But I think the Nephilim have been here and I think they're coming back and I think they will be labeled as "Aliens" and all Hell will break out when that happens (literally and figuratively).
Even Ronald Reagan talked about it years ago.
Remember this?
Here's Reagan talking about how an alien invasion would suddenly "unite" all of earth, remember this?
And what does the Bible say about Jesus and his return?
Essentially, that all of Earth is united against Him.
Starting to see the puzzle pieces fit together?
Once you understand Genesis 6:4, the rest of the Bible starts to make a lot more sense.
But that's not just my opinion....
Here's Jonathan Cahn telling you the same thing!
Jonathan Cahn And The Genesis 6:4 Connection!
Jonathan Cahn was on Greg Hunter's show recently to talk about his new book "The Return of the Gods".
And when you first hear that you might think Cahn has lost it!
And so has Noah for covering this!
Other Gods?
Doesn't that violate the First of the Ten Commandments?
Yes, of course.
There is only one creator God.
But there are many fallen Angels who corrupted humanity and if your guard is already going up just read Genesis 6:4.
In fact, it's a topic I've been covering for over 5 years now, and I'm so glad to see Jonathan Cahn now explaining it as well.
Five years ago when I reported on this, almost no one had heard of the Nephilim.
No one understood Genesis 6:4.
No one understood the true meaning of the "Giants" in the Old Testament.
But now it's all coming out, and Jonathan Cahn is blowing the lid off it.
Here's a quick summary from Greg Hunter's USAWatchdog:
Six-time, best-selling author and renowned Bible expert Jonathan Cahn has written a new book explaining the chaos and upheaval going on all over the world today. In a word, evil is trying to take hold of our world. Cahn’s book, “The Return of the Gods,” shows how demons and false gods are trying to repossess America. Cahn explains, “Evil is evil, and it’s manifesting in so many all across our culture—in every way. It involves falsehoods, it involves lies and changing morality on sexuality. It involves everything. Two thousand years ago, this is all they had. It was possessed back then. So, when Jesus sent the Gospel into the pagan world, it was a clash of spirits and principalities of gods. There is the One True God, and then there are the false gods.
The Bible says we do not war against flesh and blood. We are not against people. We war against principalities. So, when the gospel comes in, there is this huge war. The pagans are trying to kill the Christians or you worship our gods. That’s why they were trying to kill them because Christians would not worship the gods. It was a war of the gods, but at the end of the day, the Gospel prevailed and the gods departed. The temples were emptied out. The shrines were abandoned. The gods of the ancient world were gone, but we are not just talking about gods, there are spirits behind them—demonic spirits. They don’t end, they stay there.
So, the question is what would happen if the gods or the evil spirits returned to America and returned to the world? The fact is they have returned. . . . If western civilization was possessed by the evil spirits, the Gospel got rid of them. It was the greatest exorcism in history. What happens if that nation ever turns away from God? If it ever opens the door?
These spirits are coming back. These ancient spirits or principalities are going to come back to our culture, to the West and to America, and they are going to come back to repossess it. They will repossess America. If you want to understand what is happening to America, it is this.”
Cahn gives several mind-blowing examples of the evil spirits “repossessing” America. Evil is in every aspect of life, and it starts in the schools, to the child sacrifice of abortion. Cahn says, “Evil always goes after the children.”
The evil spirits are helping people to “self-destruct,” according to Cahn. How do we stop this?
Cahn says, “The only thing that can save America is turning back to God. The only thing that can save America is revival. It doesn’t look likely, but God is not what looks likely. He is into surprises. People did not expect Donald Trump to be President. That was a surprise. The day I finished the book, “The Return of the Gods,” was June 24th. That was the day the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. . . . So, there is hope. As long as there is God, there is hope. . . .
The question is what are we going to do about it? Are we going to be timid and let them cancel us out? Or, are we going to be bold and spread the word like the apostles did in the first century? That is what drove the gods (aka evil spirits) out. So, in many ways, it’s a big ‘If.’ God says, ‘If my people. . .’ that’s where this is.”
There is much more in the 49-minute interview.
Watch the interview right here on Greg Hunter's channel on Rumble:
If you want more on all of this, you can preorder Jonathan Cahn's new book here on Amazon:
And if you want more from me, I've written about this a lot.
Here is a recap from a previous article I had written.
Please enjoy:
A "crisis of faith" is coming soon.
I've been warning you for a couple years now, but recently Clif High just sounded the alarm too.
Let me start off by saying Clif High does not come from a Christian worldview.
In fact, in his latest video he explains how he is "Cathari" which is something I had not heard of before.
It sounds similar to Christianity, but many notable and large divisions.
That said, I still find Clif to be endlessly fascinating, and his research is unparalleled.
And I note that the Bible does not teach us to not interact with people of other faiths...
In fact, when Paul visited Athens, Greece in the Book of Acts, he finds a completely pagan culture made up of many gods.
What does he do?
He engages with them and shares truth with them.
From Acts 17:23:
For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: to an unknown god. So you are ignorant of the very thing you worship—and this is what I am going to proclaim to you.
So to everyone who says I should not engage with Clif or not cover him, I reject that.
I choose instead to add my perspective (which I believe is a Biblical perspective) to the conversation.
Back to Clif...
Over the years, he has had many things listed in his ALTA Reports that sounds absurd at the time he predicted them, only to have them happen nearly exactly.
I've covered many of those before, so I would dig into that again here, other than to note he predicted the fall of the U.S. dollar and the fall of the Federal Reserve, both of which we are currently witnessing happen right before our very eyes.
We are living through a new Bretton Woods and most people don't even realize it.
But what I want to talk about right now isn't financial....it's spiritual.
And I think Clif is exactly right.
Clif predicts through his data mining work that something big is coming that will deceive many.
Sound familiar?
The Bible calls it the Great Deception.
The most common expectation is that it will include the discovery or "unveiling" that aliens are indeed here and among us.
Can you imagine that chaos that will cause?
Many expect it will be the last card the Deep State will play, because it is the absolute last card they have.
Even Ronald Reagan was talking about how an alien invasion would suddenly "unite" all of earth, remember this?
And so I believe it's coming and so does Clif.
Many expect they will use Project BlueBeam.
Others think they will truly unveil aliens.
But I want to give you my take, so you are not caught off guard...
Do you know what the Bible says?
Do you know the Bible actually addresses this?
It's true.
It's right in your Bible only six chapters in, but many have never read it.
It's in Genesis 6:4 when the Bible says the Sons of God came and had children with the Daughters of Men and they became Giant.
Let me translate...
The Sons of God are angels (fallen angels), the daughters of men are human women, they produced children and as you can imagine the hybrid beings were huge....giants!
The Bible calls them Giants or Nephilim.
The Fallen Angels are called Sons of God at times in the Bible...
The Book of Enoch calls them The Watchers.
The Sumarian Tablets call them the Anunaki.
But when you suddenly see the aliens announced and revealed, do not be caught off guard. You must know this is in your Bible.
Yes, the real, normal Bible.
It's all in there, look it up!
You know what else?
Once you understand that basic foundational fact (which is why it's so early in the Bible in Genesis) then the entire rest of the Old Testament makes sense.
The Old Testament constantly talks about races of Giants...the Anakim, the Rephaim, and many others.
Remember Goliath?
He wasn't just tall like Shaq, he was a Nephalim descendent.
And this answers one of the biggest confusions and trip-ups for most people when reading the Bible....
They start reading along and all is going good and then God orders Israel to kill everyone in one of these giant tribes.
Seems harsh.
Seems kind of like genocide.
Until you realize this was a corrupted DNA chain.
These were not fully human, they were Nephalim and the Nephalim hated humanity. Killed humanity. Wanted to wipe out humanity.
Now do you see why God ordered them to be wiped out when Israel would win a battle?
There's so much in here and I've written about it much more extensively here:
And here:
So I write this to make sure you are not caught unaware...
Do not be alarmed and do not be deceived when this happens.
And according to Clif, his data shows it's very likely to happen soon -- as in, within a few months.
Don't think the Bible is obsolete or irrelevant.
Hardly the case!
The Bible has been telling us the truth since it was written and it's ALL OVER the Old Testament, we just haven't opened our eyes long enough to read it and notice what's in there.
And now that I've shared my take, I give you Clif High and his most recent warning which caused me to write this article.
I'm sure the comments below this article will be wild, and that's ok....I look forward to reading them.
Now please enjoy Clif and his warning:
[iframe src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/tGF0QXVJAfnG/" width="100%" height="360"]
So what do you think?